Navan vs Rippling
Features Comparison
Discover how Navan and Rippling compare to each other by their features
Access Controls/Permissions
Active Directory Integration
Asset Lifecycle Management
Automated Expense Categorization
Automatic User/Device Recognition
Benefits Administration Outsourcing
Billable & Non-Billable Hours
Built-in Course Authoring
Compensation Plan Modeling
Contract/License Management
Corporate Structure Management
Corporate Travel Management
Disability Insurance Administration
Financial Records Tracking
Financial Transaction Approval
Health Insurance Administration
Individual Development Plans
Multi-Factor Authentication
Multiple Authentication Methods
Ongoing Performance Tracking
Online Benefits Enrollment
Performance Review Management
Project Planning/Scheduling
Recurring Expense Tracking
Registered Agent Services Integration
Retirement Plan Management
Self-Service Access Request
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
Synchronization Scheduling
Two-Factor Authentication
Weighted Performance Measures
Wireless Internet Access Control