Bitrix24 vs Power BI
Features Comparison
Discover how Bitrix24 and Power BI compare to each other by their features
Access Controls/Permissions
Automatic Call Distribution
Built-in Course Authoring
Business Card/Badge Scanning
Campaign Specific Caller ID
Computer Telephony Integration
Contract/License Management
Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
Customer Experience Management
Data Capture and Transfer
Demographic/Firmographic Data
Enterprise Asset Management
For Financial Institutions
HOA Violation Enforcement
Integrated Business Operations
Key Performance Indicators
Knowledge Base Management
Macros/Templated Responses
Multi-Channel Attribution
Multi-Channel Communication
Multi-Channel Social Integration
Price and Cost Calculations
Process/Workflow Automation
Purchase Order Management
Recurring/Subscription Billing
Sales Activity Management
Sales Pipeline Management
Scheduled/Automated Reports
Self Service Data Preparation
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
Support Ticket Management
Visual Workflow Management