Opgør hotelindtægter med eZee Absolutes cloudbaserede ejendomsledelsessystem, der tilbyder strømlinet operations, realtidsgenkald i rapportering og smidige integrationsmuligheder til at drive profitabilitet.
Shromáždili jsme všechna data, takže je nemusíte dělat, zjednodušujeme rozhodování a šetříme vám čas i peníze.
Najděte konkrétní funkci, kterou by platforma měla mít, aby byla pro vaši organizaci vhodná.
Find ud af, hvilken prisplan der passer bedst til dig.
For small hotels with up to 20 rooms
For medium-sized hotel chains with up to 50 properties and 500 rooms
For large hotel groups and conglomerates with unlimited properties and rooms
Se platformen fra de seneste eZee Absolute videoer.
Indsigt fra felteksperter om eZee Absolute fra første hånd.
Toto jsou alternativy, ze kterých si můžete vybrat a porovnat je tak, aby co nejlépe odpovídaly vašim zájmům a oboru.
Najděte odpovědi na nejrelevantnější dotazy, abyste se mohli okamžitě rozhodnout.
eZee Absolute is a comprehensive hotel management system designed to streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and increase revenue for hotels of all sizes.
The key features include front desk management, online booking integration, channel management, reporting and analytics, inventory and purchasing management, and more.
Yes, eZee Absolute is a cloud-based hotel management system that can be accessed from anywhere, on any device with an internet connection.
Yes, eZee Absolute supports integration with popular OTAs and booking engines such as Booking.com, Expedia, and more.
eZee Absolute provides real-time reporting and analytics on sales, revenue, occupancy, and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to help hoteliers make informed decisions.
Yes, eZee Absolute is built with security and compliance in mind and meets industry standards such as PCI-DSS and GDPR.
eZee Absolute offers 24/7 technical support, online resources, and dedicated account management to ensure that hoteliers get the help they need when they need it.
Yes, eZee Absolute is highly customizable to meet the unique requirements of your hotel or chain.
eZee Absolute can be run on most modern devices with a web browser and internet connection. Specific system requirements are provided in the user manual.
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