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Simplificați auditele și îmbunătățiți eficiența cu programul de audit iAuditor pentru control intern, conformitate, gestionarea riscurilor și îmbunătățire continuă.

Κριτικές και βαθμολογίες του iAuditor

Shromáždili jsme všechna data, takže je nemusíte dělat, zjednodušujeme rozhodování a šetříme vám čas i peníze.

4.6 (371)





Value for Money


Ease of use




Najít funkce důležité pro rozhodování

Najděte konkrétní funkci, kterou by platforma měla mít, aby byla pro vaši organizaci vhodná.

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이 제품이 도움이 될 수 있나요? Политика за управление?

이 제품이 도움이 될 수 있나요? Панель за управления?

이 제품이 도움이 될 수 있나요? Управление съвършенство?

iAuditor Προγράμματα τιμολόγησης

Μάθετε ποιο πρόγραμμα τιμολόγησης ταιριάζει καλύτερα για εσάς.


Perfect for personal use and small teams.


Small Business

Ideal for growing businesses that need more features.



Tailored for large businesses and enterprises that require advanced features.


Τι λένε οι επαληθευμένες κριτικές από τις αναμενόμενες για το

Πληροφορίες από ειδικούς του τομέα σχετικά με το iAuditor από πρώτο χέρι.

C. Allen

I've found iAuditor to be incredibly user-friendly and efficient in streamlining my inspection processes. The ability to create custom checklists and track results has saved me a significant amount of time and improved overall accuracy.

R. White

I've been using iAuditor for a few months now and it's been a game-changer for my quality control processes. The ease of use, customizable templates, and robust reporting features have streamlined our inspections and improved overall compliance, saving us valuable time and resources.

S. Young

I've been using iAuditor for our company's compliance checks and it's been a game-changer. The user-friendly interface and customizable templates made creating and implementing audits seamless. The app's ability to track and report on findings has saved us time and improved our overall com...

M. Phillips

I've been using iAuditor for months and it's revolutionized our quality control processes. The app's intuitive design and robust reporting features have significantly reduced inspection time, improving overall efficiency and accuracy. Highly recommend!

J. Harris

I'm thoroughly impressed with iAuditor's ease of use and comprehensive features. The mobile app has streamlined our inspection process, allowing us to quickly create and assign auditors with minimal training required. The pre-built templates have saved us countless hours in preparation tim...

A. Edwards

I've been using iAuditor for compliance inspections and it's greatly streamlined our process. The app's ability to create custom checklists, take photos and record observations in real-time has saved us hours of data entry. The reporting feature is also incredibly user-friendly, making it ...

iAuditor ταιριάζει καλύτερα σε αυτούς τους κορυφαίους κλάδους


Програмни системи за управление на имота, гостоприимно обслужване и брояне на заетост. Увелишени решения за управлението на резервации, управлението на съоръженията и подобряване на гостоприемството. Ключови инструменти за сместените и приятни гости услуги.


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.

Селско стопанство

Агротехническа индустриална софтуер за управление на културите, отслежване на животни и функциониране на веригата от доставки. Развършени решения за мониторинг на прираст, управление на ресурси и осигуряване на устойчивост. Основни инструменти за ефективно и продуктивно земеделско производство.

Εναλλακτικές λύσεις για το iAuditor μπορείτε να εξετάσετε και να συγκρίνετε

Toto jsou alternativy, ze kterých si můžete vybrat a porovnat je tak, aby co nejlépe odpovídaly vašim zájmům a oboru.

Οι άνθρωποι συγκρίνουν επίσης το iAuditor με...

Συχνές ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το iAuditor

Najděte odpovědi na nejrelevantnější dotazy, abyste se mohli okamžitě rozhodnout.

What is iAuditor?

iAuditor is a mobile inspection app that allows you to create, conduct and manage inspections on-the-go.

How does iAuditor work?

You can create custom checklists using our library of pre-built templates or by uploading your own. Conduct the inspection, and iAuditor will guide you through each question. Results are stored in real-time for easy reporting.

What devices can I use to run iAuditor?

iAuditor is available on iOS and Android devices, making it accessible from any mobile device with a camera and internet connection.

Can I integrate iAuditor with other systems?

Yes, we have API integrations with popular systems like WorkSafe and others. This allows you to store inspection results directly in your preferred system.

Is my data secure?

All data stored on the iAuditor app is encrypted, ensuring that it remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

How do I get started with iAuditor?

Download the app, create a free account, and you're ready to start conducting inspections. We also offer training sessions for users who need assistance getting up-and-running.

Can I use iAuditor offline?

Yes, iAuditor works in both online and offline modes. Conduct the inspection without an internet connection, and the app will automatically sync once a signal is detected.

What kind of reports can I generate with iAuditor?

iAuditor allows you to create custom reports that summarize your findings, highlighting any non-compliance or areas requiring attention.

Is there a free version of iAuditor?

Yes, we offer a free plan for small inspections and checklists. Paid plans unlock additional features like custom branding and integrations with other systems.

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