JumpCloudova DaaS nabízí snadnou, bezpečnou a měřitelnou správu koncových bodů pro podniky.
Shromáždili jsme všechna data, takže je nemusíte dělat, zjednodušujeme rozhodování a šetříme vám čas i peníze.
Najděte konkrétní funkci, kterou by platforma měla mít, aby byla pro vaši organizaci vhodná.
Zjistěte, který cenový plán je pro vás nejvhodnější.
Great for small teams or individuals. Up to 100 users.
Ideal for growing organizations. Up to 500 users.
Designed for large and distributed teams. Up to 2,000 users.
Perfect for enterprise organizations. Up to 5,000 users.
Postřehy od odborníků v terénu o JumpCloud DaaS z první ruky.
Toto jsou alternativy, ze kterých si můžete vybrat a porovnat je tak, aby co nejlépe odpovídaly vašim zájmům a oboru.
Najděte odpovědi na nejrelevantnější dotazy, abyste se mohli okamžitě rozhodnout.
JumpCloud's Directory-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a cloud-based service that provides a unified identity management platform, allowing organizations to manage user identities and access across all devices, applications, and systems.
JumpCloud supports Windows, macOS, Linux, and other Unix-like systems, as well as a wide range of cloud and on-premises applications.
JumpCloud simplifies user management by providing a single, unified identity repository that allows administrators to manage user identities and access across all devices, applications, and systems from one central location.
JumpCloud provides robust security features, including two-factor authentication, password policy enforcement, and real-time monitoring and alerting for potential security threats.
Yes, JumpCloud can be used in conjunction with your existing identity providers, such as Active Directory, LDAP, or SAML-based systems.
JumpCloud handles user access and permissions by providing a fine-grained, role-based access control system that allows administrators to manage user access and permissions across all devices, applications, and systems.
Using JumpCloud for cloud-based resources provides a single point of management for all cloud-based identities and access, making it easier to manage user access and permissions across multiple cloud providers.
JumpCloud supports hybrid IT environments by providing a unified identity management platform that can be used to manage user identities and access across both on-premises and cloud-based systems.
JumpCloud provides 24/7 support for its customers, including phone, email, and online chat support, as well as a comprehensive knowledge base and community forum.
To get started with JumpCloud, simply sign up for a free trial or contact a JumpCloud representative to discuss your needs and requirements.
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