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Softwar Revit zjednodušuje procesy BIM se 3D modelováním architektonické tvorby, zdokonaluje spolupráci a udržitelnost v stavebních projektech.


Recenze a hodnocení Revit

Shromáždili jsme všechna data, takže je nemusíte dělat, zjednodušujeme rozhodování a šetříme vám čas i peníze.

4.6 (1,372)





Value for money


Snadné použití




Najít funkce důležité pro rozhodování

Najděte konkrétní funkci, kterou by platforma měla mít, aby byla pro vaši organizaci vhodná.

Může nám tento produkt pomoci s Zpracování/Náborová analýza?

Může nám tento produkt pomoci s Knižovna komponentů?

Může nám tento produkt pomoci s Import/Export dat?

Může nám tento produkt pomoci s Modelování BIM?

Revit cenové plány

Zjistěte, který cenový plán je pro vás nejvhodnější.

Revit LT

For small architecture and engineering firms, or individual users.


Revit Standard

Ideal for mid-sized firms, or firms that need a bit more functionality.


Revit Product

The most comprehensive version of Revit for large firms and companies.

Revit recenze produktů

Prohlédněte si platformu z nejnovějších videí Revit.

Co říkají ověřené recenze od očekávání o

Postřehy od odborníků v terénu o Revit z první ruky.

D. Evans

I've found Revit to be an incredibly intuitive and powerful tool for building information modeling, streamlining design workflows and data management with ease, making it a game-changer for architectural projects.

A. Evans

Revit has revolutionized my architectural workflow with its intuitive interface and robust features. I've efficiently managed complex projects with precision, streamlining collaboration and reducing errors, resulting in higher-quality designs delivered on time. A game-changer for architect...

S. Anderson

I've had an incredible experience with Revit, streamlining my design and documentation workflow with its powerful BIM capabilities. The user interface is intuitive, collaboration tools seamless, and output consistently accurate - a game-changer for architects like me.

D. Phillips

Revit is an incredibly powerful and intuitive BIM tool that has transformed my drafting experience, offering seamless collaboration, precision modeling, and streamlined workflows - a game-changer for architects and engineers alike.

W. Miller

Revit is an absolute game-changer for architects and engineers. Its robust features, seamless collaboration tools, and user-friendly interface make it a joy to work with. I've witnessed significant productivity boosts and improved design accuracy in my own projects.

E. Scott

I've had the misfortune of using Revit for several months now and I must say it's been a frustrating experience. The learning curve is steeper than expected and the user interface feels cluttered and outdated. Despite its promise to improve collaboration and workflow, I found it to be bugg...

Alternativy k Revit, které byste mohli zvážit a porovnat

Toto jsou alternativy, ze kterých si můžete vybrat a porovnat je tak, aby co nejlépe odpovídaly vašim zájmům a oboru.

Často kladené otázky o Revit

Najděte odpovědi na nejrelevantnější dotazy, abyste se mohli okamžitě rozhodnout.

What is Revit?

Revit is a building information modeling (BIM) software used for architectural design, construction documentation, and building information management.

Is Revit compatible with other Autodesk products?

Yes, Revit is part of the Autodesk suite of products and can be integrated with other tools like AutoCAD, Navisworks, and BIM 360.

Can I use Revit for personal projects or small businesses?

Yes, Revit offers a range of pricing options, including a free trial version and discounted licenses for individuals and small businesses.

How do I learn Revit?

Revit offers online tutorials, webinars, and documentation, as well as a large community of users who share knowledge and best practices through forums and social media groups.

Can I import data from other software into Revit?

Yes, Revit supports importing data from various file formats, including DWG, DXF, and IFC.

What is the difference between a 3D model and a BIM model in Revit?

A 3D model in Revit represents a visual representation of the building design, while a BIM model includes all relevant data about the building, such as materials, quantities, and cost estimates.

Is Revit available for Mac or Linux?

No, Revit is currently only available for Windows operating systems.

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