L'acunetix è un rilevatore di vulnerabilità per applicazioni web che identifica le debolezze e fornisce indicazioni concrete per rafforzare le difese online ed assicurare la continuità aziendale.
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1 website, daily scans
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Acunetix is a comprehensive web vulnerability scanner that helps identify security weaknesses and vulnerabilities on websites, web applications, and APIs.
Acunetix scans for a wide range of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and more than 1200 other known web security flaws.
Yes, Acunetix is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, making it easy to integrate into your existing IT infrastructure.
Yes, you can schedule scans to run automatically at a specific time or interval, allowing you to stay on top of web security without manual intervention.
Acunetix provides detailed reports that highlight identified vulnerabilities, along with recommendations for remediation and prioritization.
Yes, Acunetix offers a 30-day free trial, allowing you to test its features and capabilities before purchasing the software.
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