Simplificer projektstyring og samarbejde med Adoddle, en cloud-baseret plattform som tilbyder realtidsopdateringer, workflows og deling af filer for at øge teamets produktivitet og effektivitet.
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Up to 5 users, 100MB storage
6-20 users, 500MB storage
21-50 users, 2GB storage
51-100 users, 5GB storage
101+ users, 10GB storage
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Adoddle is a cloud-based construction management platform that helps architects, engineers, contractors, and owners to manage projects more efficiently.
Adoddle enables real-time communication and collaboration among stakeholders through its messaging and notification system, ensuring everyone is on the same page and tasks are completed on time.
Adoddle is primarily a construction management platform that focuses on project planning, coordination, and collaboration. It integrates with popular accounting tools to provide a comprehensive view of projects.
Yes, Adoddle allows users to create custom workflows and reports tailored to their specific project needs. This flexibility ensures that the software adapts to your workflow rather than forcing you to adjust to it.
Adoddle has a responsive design, making it accessible on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. This enables users to stay connected and updated with project progress anywhere, anytime.
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