Bluhorse JMS er en cloud-baseret jobmanagementssystem, som effektiviserer arbevøksfløden, automatiserer opgaver og øger samarbejdet mellem erhvervsenheder, hvilket giver produktivitets- og effektivitetsfremme.
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Free to use for non-commercial purposes
Perfect for small teams and projects
Suitable for medium-sized companies and complex projects
Customized for large organizations with special requirements
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BluHorse JMS is a cloud-based Enterprise Messaging Service that enables secure and reliable communication between applications, microservices, and IoT devices.
The benefits include improved system reliability, reduced latency, enhanced security, and increased scalability. It also supports real-time data streaming and flexible messaging patterns.
Yes, BluHorse JMS is fully JMS compliant, ensuring seamless integration with existing JMS-based applications and systems.
Yes, BluHorse JMS can be deployed both on-premises and in the cloud (public or private). Our flexible architecture supports hybrid deployment models as well.
BluHorse JMS supports various messaging patterns such as Point-to-Point, Publish/Subscribe, Request/Reply, and more. It also allows for custom message processing flows using our visual workflow designer.
BluHorse JMS employs robust security features such as encryption (TLS), authentication, authorization, and auditing. Additionally, it supports failover clustering for high availability and redundant storage for data persistence.
Yes, BluHorse JMS provides a built-in monitoring and analytics platform that allows you to track system performance, message throughput, latency, and other key metrics in real-time.
BluHorse JMS has APIs for integrating with third-party systems, applications, and tools. We also provide pre-built connectors for popular platforms such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, and others.
BluHorse provides comprehensive documentation, online tutorials, and dedicated customer support. We also offer customized training programs to help customers get the most out of our JMS platform.
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