Chủ nhà, quản lý và tạo lợi nhuận podcast của bạn một cách dễ dàng bằng cách sử dụng nền tảng trực quan của Buzzsprout. Xử lí phân phối, phân tích và quảng cáo để đạt được khán lượng rộng lớn hơn.
Vi har samlet alle data, så du ikke behøver det, gør beslutninger enkle og sparer dig tid og penge.
Find en specifik funktion, som platformen skal have for at passe godt til din organisation.
Tìm hiểu gói giá nào phù hợp nhất với bạn.
3 hours of hosting per month. Great for testing and small podcasts.
24 hours of hosting per month. Our most popular plan.
100 hours of hosting per month. Perfect for larger podcasts.
250 hours of hosting per month. Our top plan for small business podcasts.
5000 hours of hosting per month. Our top plan for larger businesses.
Thông tin chi tiết từ các chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực về Buzzsprout từ góc nhìn trực tiếp.
Dette er alternativer, som du kan vælge imellem og sammenligne for bedst muligt at tilpasse sig dine interesser og ekspertise.
Find svar på de mest relevante forespørgsler for at kunne træffe beslutninger med det samme.
Buzzsprout is a popular podcast hosting and media player platform that allows users to host, distribute, and monetize their podcasts.
You can upload your podcast to Buzzsprout by clicking on the 'Add New Podcast' button in your account dashboard, then following the step-by-step guide to import your media file and configure settings.
Yes, you can host multiple podcasts with one Buzzsprout account. Simply create a new podcast by clicking on 'Add New Podcast' in your dashboard, and follow the steps to configure settings.
You can monetize your podcast through Buzzsprout's audio ads and sponsorships feature. Simply enable the feature in your account settings, and connect with advertisers who want to reach your audience.
The minimum system requirements for hosting a podcast on Buzzsprout include an MP3 file of 10MB or less per episode, and a bitrate of 64 kbps or higher.
Yes, you can customize the player design and colors to match your brand by clicking on 'Player' in your account settings, and selecting from a range of pre-designed templates and color schemes.
You can track analytics for your podcast using Buzzsprout's built-in statistics feature. Simply click on 'Statistics' in your account dashboard to view detailed metrics on episode downloads, plays, and more.
Yes, you can embed your podcast player on multiple websites by clicking on 'Get Embed Code' in your account settings, and copying the code into the HTML of each website where you want to feature your podcast.
Buzzsprout offers 24/7 technical support via phone, email, and live chat. You can also visit our extensive knowledge base for answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshooting guides.
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