Pojednostavi pokrivenost i unapređuj bezbednost koristeći Netwrix Auditor, moćan alat za praćenje aktivnosti korisnika kroz IT okruženja.
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Monitoring of up to 1000 users and 1000 groups
Monitoring of up to 10,000 users and 5,000 groups, File Server Auditing (Windows)
No user or group limit, File Server Auditing (Windows), Advanced security auditing features
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Netwrix Auditor is an audit, security, and compliance software that helps organizations monitor and report on IT events across the entire IT infrastructure.
Netwrix Auditor tracks a wide range of IT events, including user logins, file access, changes to system settings, database queries, and more.
Yes, you can configure Netwrix Auditor to track specific events based on your organization's needs and policies.
Netwrix Auditor helps organizations meet regulatory requirements by providing detailed audit trails and reports that demonstrate compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Yes, Netwrix Auditor can be integrated with a range of third-party security solutions, including SIEM systems, incident response platforms, and more.
Netwrix Auditor provides detailed reports on IT events, which can be used to identify potential security issues, detect unauthorized access, and optimize IT operations.
Netwrix Auditor supports a range of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Unix-based platforms.
Data collected by Netwrix Auditor is stored in a secure database and can be encrypted for added protection.
Netwrix offers comprehensive support for Auditor, including online documentation, knowledge base articles, and dedicated technical support.
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