Strømlinere API-testing med SoapUI, en stærk værktøj til SOAP/REST APIs. Forbeder effektivitet, tillid og ydeevne for en robust applikation udvikling.
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Limited to 5 tests in SoapUI Pro and 100 API requests per day in MockAPI.
For freelancers and individuals. Limited to 50 tests in SoapUI Pro and 1,000 API requests per day in MockAPI.
For small teams. Limited to unlimited tests in SoapUI Pro and 5,000 API requests per day in MockAPI.
For large teams. Unlimited tests in SoapUI Pro and unlimited API requests per day in MockAPI.
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SoapUI is an open-source, cross-platform functional testing tool for API testing and service-oriented architecture (SOA) testing.
Yes, SoapUI supports testing of REST, GraphQL, and other types of web services in addition to SOAP-based services.
You can start by downloading the latest version of SoapUI from their official website, then follow the installation instructions and watch some tutorials to get familiar with its interface and features.
Yes, SoapUI has plugins and integrations available for popular testing frameworks like Jenkins, TestNG, and JUnit, making it easy to incorporate into existing CI/CD pipelines.
Yes, SoapUI is completely free and open-source under the Apache 2.0 license, making it a popular choice among developers and testers who want to test APIs without additional costs or restrictions.
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