Mit den Echtzeit-Interaktionswerkzeugen von Wooclap erhöhen Sie die Teilnehmerbeteiligung an Veranstaltungen. Kollaboration und Kommunikation werden erleichtert, so dass für alle Besucher unvergessliche Erfahrungen entstehen.
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Essential features for small teams
Most used features by our clients
Top of the range features for events and organizations
Tactical tools for large organizations
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Wooclap is a collaborative learning platform that allows teachers to create engaging and interactive lessons, quizzes, and activities for their students.
To create an account on Wooclap, simply go to our website and click on the 'Sign Up' button. You can then fill out the registration form with your email address and password.
Yes, you can access Wooclap on both iOS and Android devices using our mobile app or through a web browser.
Wooclap integrates seamlessly with popular LMS platforms such as Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard. You can find instructions on how to set up the integration in our support documentation.
Yes, Wooclap offers a free plan that allows you to create and share interactive content with your students. However, for more advanced features and larger class sizes, you may need to upgrade to one of our paid plans.
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