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Melhore o desempenho e a segurança do seu site com o Cloudflare - acelere a entrega de conteúdo, proteja-se contra ameaças e melhore sua presença online sem problemas.


Cloudflare의 리뷰와 평가

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3.2 (1,868)





가격 대비 가치


사용 편의성




Finden Sie Funktionen, die für die Entscheidungsfindung entscheidend sind

Finden Sie eine bestimmte Funktion, die die Plattform haben sollte, damit sie gut zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt.

Может ли этот продукт помочь нам с Извеждане/Аналитика?

Может ли этот продукт помочь нам с Трети странични интеграции?

Может ли этот продукт помочь нам с Данни за Импорт/Изкспорт?

Может ли этот продукт помочь нам с Сътруднически инструменти?

Cloudflare 가격 계획

어떤 가격 계획이 당신에게 가장 적합한지 알아보세요.


All Cloudflare features for websites and applications.


Cloudflare Pro adds security, performance, and reliability features to your website or application. Includes access to all of our core security and performance tools.



Protect up to 500 websites with Cloudflare Business. Our team will work with you to customize the platform to meet your business needs.



Secure and optimize your enterprise's online presence with our most advanced security, performance, and reliability features.


Cloudflare 제품 리뷰

최신 Cloudflare 비디오에서 플랫폼을 확인하세요.

expects의 검증된 리뷰가
Cloudflare에 대해 말하는 것

현장 전문가의 통찰력 Cloudflare을 직접 사용해 보세요.

E. Allen

I've had a seamless experience with Cloudflare - their performance optimization and security features have significantly improved my website's speed and reliability, protecting it from potential threats while ensuring smooth user navigation.

S. Brooks

I'm extremely disappointed with Cloudflare's performance. The setup process was clunky and time-consuming, requiring multiple support requests to resolve issues with DNS propagation. The app's interface is cluttered and overwhelming, making it difficult to navigate and find essential featu...

G. Jones

I've had a great experience with Cloudflare. The DNS and CDN services have significantly improved my website's loading speed and security. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it simple to manage and configure the settings. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the perfor...

D. Phillips

I've had the pleasure of utilizing Cloudflare for my website and I must say it's been a game-changer. The setup process was incredibly straightforward, with clear instructions and minimal downtime. The performance improvements have been substantial, with load times reduced by over 30% on a...

L. Scott

I've had nothing but issues with Cloudflare. I signed up expecting their touted "speed boost" and "protection from DDoS attacks", but what I got was a convoluted dashboard that made it difficult to even find the features I needed. The supposed speed boosts never materialized, and my site's...

M. Parker

I've been using Cloudflare for months and it's been a game-changer. Their WAF is incredibly effective at blocking malicious traffic, reducing our server load by 50% on average. The DNS features are also very fast and reliable, resulting in improved page loads and user experience. Great cus...

J. Brooks

Cloudflare has been a game-changer for my website's security and performance. The DNS, CDN, and SSL features have significantly improved uptime, reduced lag, and protected against cyber threats with robust threat protection and DDoS mitigation capabilities.

Cloudflare은 이러한 주요 산업에 가장 적합합니다.


Програмни системи за управление на имота, гостоприимно обслужване и брояне на заетост. Увелишени решения за управлението на резервации, управлението на съоръженията и подобряване на гостоприемството. Ключови инструменти за сместените и приятни гости услуги.


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.


Софтуер за управление на кампании, анализиране на аудиторията и сътрудничество в област на творческите умения. Напредни решения за планиране на кампании, следене на ефективността и изготвяне на съдържание. Основни инструменти за въздействащи и успешни рекламни усилия.

고려하고 비교할 수 있는 Cloudflare의 대안

Dies sind Alternativen, aus denen Sie wählen und die Sie vergleichen können, um die am besten zu Ihren Interessen und Ihrem Fachgebiet passende zu finden.

Cloudflare에 대한 자주 묻는 질문

Finden Sie Antworten auf die relevantesten Fragen, um sofort Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is a cloud-based service that provides a range of security, performance, and content delivery services to protect websites from online threats and improve user experience.

How does Cloudflare improve website performance?

Cloudflare improves website performance by caching frequently requested resources, compressing files, and optimizing images. This reduces the time it takes for a webpage to load, resulting in faster page loads and improved user engagement.

What security features does Cloudflare offer?

Cloudflare offers a range of security features, including automatic SSL encryption, malware protection, and DDoS mitigation. These features help protect websites from common online threats and ensure that data transmitted between the website and user is secure.

Is my data safe with Cloudflare?

Yes, your data is safe with Cloudflare. Cloudflare uses industry-standard security protocols to encrypt and protect data in transit and at rest. Additionally, Cloudflare follows strict privacy policies and guidelines to ensure that user data is not shared or used without consent.

How do I get started with Cloudflare?

To get started with Cloudflare, simply sign up for a free account on the Cloudflare website. From there, you can install the Cloudflare software on your website and start taking advantage of its security and performance features.

Hallo, was brauchen Sie?

Wir brauchen eine zuverlässige Projektmanagement-Software für 50 für weniger als 10 $ pro Benutzer...

Audit-Plattform mit integriertem Lernen und Inventarverwaltung...

Ich brauche eine Zahnklinik-Software zur Verwaltung von Buchungen und Zahlungen...

Empfehlen Sie mir einen einfach und schnell zu implementierenden Chatbot für unseren Support...

Unser fortschrittlicher Algorithmus findet die beste Lösung für Ihre Anforderungen und filtert für Sie allen Unsinn und Marketing-Buzz heraus.