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Movavi Video Editor Plus

Mit Movavi Video Editor Plus öffnen Sie die Tore Ihrer Kreativität - ein leistungsstarkes Videoschnittprogramm für Windows & Mac mit fortschrittlichen Funktionen und einem benutzerfreundlichen Interface.


Movavi Video Editor Plus のレビューと評価

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4.3 (22,348)











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Questo prodotto può aiutarci con Редактирование видео.?

Movavi Video Editor Plus 料金プラン


Free Plan

Basic video editing features

Standard Plan

All free plan features + advanced editing tools and effects


Business Plan

All standard plan features + business branding, watermark removal, and advanced export options


Video Editor Plus Plan

All business plan features + additional video and audio editing tools, chroma key, and green screen functionality


Movavi Video Editor Plus 製品レビュー

最新の Movavi Video Editor Plus 動画からプラットフォームをご覧ください。

Movavi Video Editor Plus に関する期待される検証済みレビューの内容

Movavi Video Editor Plus に関する現場の専門家の直接の洞察。

P. Johnson

I'm thoroughly impressed with Movavi Video Editor Plus - its user-friendly interface and vast features made editing my videos a breeze, producing stunning results every time!

J. Evans

I'm thoroughly impressed with Movavi Video Editor Plus - its user-friendly interface, vast array of effects and transitions, and seamless video editing capabilities make it a must-have for both beginners and pros!

A. Allen

I've been thoroughly impressed with Movavi Video Editor Plus - its intuitive interface and robust features made editing a breeze, even for a beginner like me. The color adjustment tools were especially useful in enhancing my video's visual appeal. Exporting was also seamless, with quick re...

J. Scott

I'm extremely disappointed with Movavi Video Editor Plus. Despite its promising features, I found it to be clunky and unresponsive. The user interface is outdated and hard to navigate, making it frustrating to find even basic editing tools. My project crashed multiple times, resulting in s...

L. Stewart

I was really looking forward to using Movavi Video Editor Plus, but my experience was a letdown. The interface is cluttered and difficult to navigate, making it hard to find what I needed in a timely manner. Despite its impressive feature list, the software crashed multiple times while wor...

Movavi Video Editor Plus はこれらのトップ業界に最適です


Программное обеспечение для промышленности рекламного бизнеса по управлению кампаниями, аналитики аудитории и сотрудничеству с создателями контента. Продвинутое решение для планирования кампаний, отслеживания результатов и дизайна контента. Эссенциальные инструменты для заметного и успешного рекламных усилий.


Программные решения для авиалиний в области управления полетами, управление пассажирами и отслеживание технического обслуживания. Инструменты для управления расписанием, бронированиями и проверками безопасности.


Программное обеспечение автомобильной промышленности для проектирования, планирования производства и контроля качества. Развитые решения для разработки моделей транспортных средств, управления производственными процессами и обеспечения стандартов безопасности. Основные инструменты для точного и надежного автомобильного производства.

Movavi Video Editor Plus の代替案を検討して比較することができます

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Movavi Video Editor Plus に関するよくある質問

Finden Sie Antworten auf die relevantesten Fragen, um sofort Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

What is Movavi Video Editor Plus?

Movavi Video Editor Plus is a powerful video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos with ease.

What are the system requirements for running Movavi Video Editor Plus?

The minimum system requirements for Movavi Video Editor Plus include Windows 10, macOS High Sierra or later, and a dedicated graphics card.

Can I import video files from my smartphone with Movavi Video Editor Plus?

Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus supports importing video files from most smartphones, including iPhone and Android devices.

How do I add music to my video project in Movavi Video Editor Plus?

To add music to your video project in Movavi Video Editor Plus, simply click on the 'Audio' tab in the timeline, select a song from your library or download one from online, and adjust the volume as needed.

Can I export my video project in 4K resolution with Movavi Video Editor Plus?

Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus allows users to export their video projects in 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels) for stunning clarity and detail.

How do I apply color correction to my footage with Movavi Video Editor Plus?

To apply color correction to your footage with Movavi Video Editor Plus, select the 'Color Correction' tool in the 'Effects' tab, adjust the settings as needed, and preview the results.

Can I create a video slideshow with images using Movavi Video Editor Plus?

Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus allows users to create stunning video slideshows from their favorite photos and add music, transitions, and other effects for a professional finish.

Is Movavi Video Editor Plus compatible with Windows 11?

Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus is fully compatible with Windows 11 and supports all its features.

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