Transforma învățarea cu platforma interactivă Nearpod care combină excursii virtuale, discuții collaborative și evaluări în timp real pentru a angaja elevi într-o experiență distractivă și imersivă.
Wir haben alle Daten gesammelt, damit Sie das nicht tun müssen. So werden Entscheidungen vereinfacht und Sie sparen Zeit und Geld.
Finden Sie eine bestimmte Funktion, die die Plattform haben sollte, damit sie gut zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt.
Descubre qué plan de precios es el más adecuado para ti.
Free plan with access to 1,000+ lessons and activities
Perfect for individual teachers or small groups ($6/user/month)
Ideal for whole-class instruction ($9/class/month)
Best suited for schools and districts ($15/user/month or $6/student/year)
Conocimientos de primera mano de expertos en el campo sobre Nearpod.
Dies sind Alternativen, aus denen Sie wählen und die Sie vergleichen können, um die am besten zu Ihren Interessen und Ihrem Fachgebiet passende zu finden.
Finden Sie Antworten auf die relevantesten Fragen, um sofort Entscheidungen treffen zu können.
Nearpod is a cloud-based educational platform that provides interactive and immersive learning experiences for students.
Yes, Nearpod can be used by students of various ages, from elementary to high school, as well as in higher education settings.
Nearpod offers a vast library of interactive lessons and activities across various subjects, including math, science, language arts, social studies, and more.
Yes, teachers can modify and tailor Nearpod lessons to meet the specific needs and learning styles of their students.
Yes, Nearpod offers instant feedback and assessment capabilities that enable teachers to monitor student progress and understanding in real-time.
Nearpod is accessible on multiple platforms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, making it easy for students to access content anywhere, anytime.
Yes, teachers can monitor student activity and participation on the platform through detailed analytics and reports.
Yes, Nearpod content is designed to align with various national education standards and curricula, ensuring that students are learning in line with state and federal requirements.
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