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Paycor Perform

Simplifier betalningsutbetalningar och anställdshantering med Paycor Perform, en tillförlitlig HR-programvara som är utformad för att öka effektivitet, efterlevnad och produktivitet för växande företag.

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Reviews and Ratings of Paycor Perform

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4.2 (3,777)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




Finden Sie Funktionen, die für die Entscheidungsfindung entscheidend sind

Finden Sie eine bestimmte Funktion, die die Plattform haben sollte, damit sie gut zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt.

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Nam lahko ta izdelek pomaga pri Työntekijäpohjainen tietokanta?

Paycor Perform Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


The core features of Paycor Perform



All Core features plus additional tools for payroll and HR.



Everything in Plus, plus advanced analytics and reporting.



The ultimate package for growing businesses with all features and services included.


Paycor Perform Product Reviews

See the platform from within the latest Paycor Perform videos.

What verified reviews from expects say about
Paycor Perform

Insights from field experts about Paycor Perform from first hand.

R. Brown

I've had an exceptional experience with Paycor Perform, streamlining payroll and HR processes for my small business. The user-friendly interface and robust features have saved me time and reduced administrative burdens, making it a valuable investment in our operations.

R. Phillips

I'm thoroughly impressed with Paycor Perform's user-friendly interface and seamless payroll processing. Its automation features have streamlined our HR tasks, saving us time and reducing errors. Highly recommend for businesses seeking efficient HR solutions!

P. Kelly

Paycor Perform is clunky and outdated, with tedious workflows and limited reporting capabilities. The UI is unresponsive and lacks customization options, making it a frustrating experience for HR teams to manage payroll and benefits processing effectively.

J. Knight

I've been using Paycor Perform for HR management and it's been a game-changer. The intuitive interface and seamless data integration have streamlined our processes, saving us time and resources. Highly recommended for small to medium-sized businesses looking to optimize their HR operations...

C. Lewis

I've had a seamless experience with Paycor Perform, effortlessly managing payroll, HR, and time-off processes for my team. The intuitive interface and streamlined workflows have saved me considerable time and reduced administrative burdens. Highly recommend!

R. Hernandez

I've had a fantastic experience with Paycor Perform. This HR software has streamlined our payroll and benefits processes, saving us time and reducing errors. The user-friendly interface made it easy to navigate and implement, and their excellent customer support was always available when w...

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Dies sind Alternativen, aus denen Sie wählen und die Sie vergleichen können, um die am besten zu Ihren Interessen und Ihrem Fachgebiet passende zu finden.

Frequently asked questions about Paycor Perform

Finden Sie Antworten auf die relevantesten Fragen, um sofort Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

What is Paycor Perform?

Paycor Perform is a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software that provides a suite of tools for payroll, benefits, talent management, and analytics.

Is Paycor Perform user-friendly?

Yes, Paycor Perform has an intuitive interface that allows users to easily navigate and perform tasks, regardless of their technical expertise.

Can I integrate Paycor Perform with other HR systems?

Yes, Paycor Perform offers a range of integrations with popular HR systems, including applicant tracking systems (ATS), time-off management tools, and more.

What kind of reporting capabilities does Paycor Perform offer?

Paycor Perform provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing users to gain insights into payroll, benefits, and employee data.

Is Paycor Perform compliant with regulatory requirements?

Yes, Paycor Perform is designed to meet or exceed all relevant regulatory requirements, including ACA, FLSA, and more.

Can I customize the user experience for different roles within my organization?

Yes, Paycor Perform allows administrators to create customized dashboards and workflows based on specific job functions or departmental needs.

Does Paycor Perform offer mobile access?

Yes, Paycor Perform provides mobile-access capabilities for employees and managers to view information, complete tasks, and make updates on-the-go.

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