Déverrouillez des expériences 3D en immersion avec le puissant logiciel de visualisation Sketchfab, qui donne vie aux créations numériques dans un détail éblouissant pour les applications de design, marketing et éducation.
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View and download millions of 3D models.
Upload, share and showcase your own 3D content.
Unlock advanced features, collaboration tools and more.
Unlimited uploads, priority support, custom branding and more.
Sehen Sie sich die Plattform in den neuesten Sketchfab 3D Visualization Videos an.
Erkenntnisse von Branchenexperten über Sketchfab 3D Visualization aus erster Hand.
Dies sind Alternativen, aus denen Sie wählen und die Sie vergleichen können, um die am besten zu Ihren Interessen und Ihrem Fachgebiet passende zu finden.
Finden Sie Antworten auf die relevantesten Fragen, um sofort Entscheidungen treffen zu können.
Sketchfab is an online platform that allows users to upload, share and view 3D models in a web browser.
Yes, uploading and viewing 3D models on Sketchfab is completely free. However, some features such as downloading models or accessing advanced tools may require a subscription or a one-time payment.
Sketchfab supports a wide range of 3D file formats, including OBJ, STL, 3DS, FBX and more. You can also upload 2D images and videos.
You can share your models via a public link or embed them directly into a webpage using our HTML/JS code snippet.
Yes, many architects, designers, engineers and other professionals use Sketchfab to showcase their work, collaborate with clients and colleagues, or pitch projects to potential investors.
Sketchfab allows you to view 3D models from various angles, zoom in/out, rotate them freely, and even measure distances and volumes if needed.
Yes, you can download your uploaded models as OBJ or STL files for local use. However, some features such as physics-based rendering may only be available online.
Sketchfab has a large and active community of users who share their work, provide feedback and help each other out. We also have a dedicated support team to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
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