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Trello vereinfacht die Projektverwaltung mit visuellen Boards, anpassbaren Workflows und reibungsloser Zusammenarbeit, was eine Steigerung der Teamproduktivität bewirkt.

Reviews and Ratings of Trello

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4.5 (37,155)





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Ease of Use




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Trello Pricing Plans

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Perfect for small projects or personal use.



Ideal for teams and organizations looking to get started with Trello.



Great for larger teams and businesses, or anyone who wants more features.


Trello Product Reviews

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What verified reviews from expects say about

Insights from field experts about Trello from first hand.

G. Davis

Trello has been a game-changer for me in managing projects and tasks, its intuitive boards, lists, and cards make organization a breeze, love how customizable it is and seamless collaboration with team members!

M. Young

Trello's boards are cluttered and disorganized after just a few tasks are added. The mobile app is sluggish and prone to crashes. Poor search functionality makes it difficult to find specific cards. Overall, a frustrating experience for simple task management.

R. White

I've been using Trello for project management and I'm thoroughly impressed. The board-based interface is intuitive and makes it easy to visualize tasks, collaborate with teams, and stay organized - a true game-changer in productivity.

R. Wilson

I've been using Trello for project management and it's incredibly effective. The boards, lists, and cards system helps me visualize tasks and collaborate with team members seamlessly. The drag-and-drop feature simplifies task reordering and due date assignments. Plus, the mobile app is use...

K. Johnson

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The intuitive boards, lists, and cards make organization a breeze. Collaborative features are seamless, and the mobile app is excellent - highly recommend!

J. Miller

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The board format makes it easy to visualize tasks and track progress. I love how customizable it is, with features like due dates and checklists that fit my workflow perfectly. It's also very intuitive, even for te...

C. Miller

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The visual boards make tracking progress and deadlines incredibly easy to see. I love how customizable it is - I can add cards with specific tasks, attach files, and even set due dates. It's helped me stay organize...

E. Jackson

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The board-based system is incredibly intuitive and visual, making it easy to track progress and collaborate with team members. The ability to add attachments, comments, and due dates has streamlined our workflow an...

C. Jones

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The intuitive board layout makes it easy to visualize tasks and collaborate with team members. I love how I can create boards for different projects, add cards for specific tasks, and assign due dates and labels. I...

B. Lee

I've been using Trello for project management and it's been a game-changer. The boards and lists are incredibly intuitive and easy to organize, making it simple to track progress and assign tasks. I love how visually appealing it is and the ability to drag-and-drop files makes sharing upda...

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Frequently asked questions about Trello

Find answers to the most relevant queries to be able to make decisions right away.

What is Trello?

Trello is a visual project management tool that allows users to organize tasks and projects into boards, lists, and cards.

How do I create a new board on Trello?

To create a new board on Trello, click the 'Create New Board' button at the top right corner of the screen. You can then choose a board name, description, and set it to be private or public.

What is the difference between a list and a card in Trello?

In Trello, lists represent columns on a board that contain related cards. Cards are individual tasks or items that are moved across lists as they progress through different stages of completion.

Can I invite others to join my Trello board?

Yes, you can invite others to join your Trello board by clicking the 'Members' button at the top right corner of the screen. You can then enter their email addresses and choose a permission level for each member.

How do I attach files to cards in Trello?

To attach files to cards in Trello, click the paperclip icon at the bottom right corner of the card. You can then upload files from your computer or add links to existing files.

Is Trello available on mobile devices?

Yes, Trello has native apps for both iOS and Android devices. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store to access your boards on-the-go.

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