CrashPlan tarjoaa luotettavia ja helppo käyttäviksi luokiteltuja tietojen varmuuskopioita yksityishenkilöille ja yrityksille. Turvauta dataasi pilvivarman ja paikallisen varmuuden avulla, taassapitoon.
Olemme koonneet kaikki tiedot, jotta sinun ei tarvitse tehdä päätökset yksinkertaisia ja säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Etsi tietty ominaisuus, jonka alustan tulisi sopia hyvin organisaatiollesi.
Ota selvää, mikä hinnoittelusuunnitelma sopii sinulle parhaiten.
For personal use on one device
For home use on up to 10 devices
For small businesses with up to 500 employees and unlimited devices
For medium to large businesses with 501-5,000 employees and unlimited devices
Katso alusta uusimmasta CrashPlan videosta.
Alan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä aiheesta CrashPlan omakohtaisesti.
Nämä ovat vaihtoehtoja, joista voit valita ja verrata vastaamaan parhaiten kiinnostuksen kohteitasi ja asiantuntemustasi.
Etsi vastauksia tärkeimpiin kyselyihin, jotta voit tehdä päätöksiä heti.
CrashPlan is a cloud backup and recovery service that allows users to back up their files, photos, and videos to the cloud for safekeeping.
CrashPlan uses a combination of local backups and cloud storage to ensure your data is protected. You can configure how often you want to run backups and set a retention period for your files.
You can back up any type of file, including photos, videos, documents, music, and more. However, be aware that some file types may not be compatible with certain platforms or devices.
Yes, CrashPlan uses end-to-end encryption to protect your data both in transit and at rest. This means that only you have access to your files.
Yes, CrashPlan offers a range of plans specifically designed for businesses and organizations. These plans include additional features such as centralized management and enhanced security controls.
Restoring files is easy with CrashPlan. Simply log in to your account, select the files you want to retrieve, and choose a restore location. Your files will be restored locally or to another device.
Yes, CrashPlan has storage limits for its consumer plans. However, business plans offer more flexible storage options and larger capacity allowances.
Yes, with CrashPlan, you can access your backed-up files from any device that has an internet connection, as long as you have a valid login credentials.
Yes, CrashPlan offers online support resources, including tutorials, FAQs, and live chat. For more complex issues, you can also contact their dedicated support team via phone or email.
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