EpisodieCare EMR nopeuttaa kliiniset toimintakäytännöt, parantaa potilastukea ja lisää käyttöjärjestelmän tehosta käyttäjälukuisella kirjailijankuvalla ja laajalla ominaisuuskokonaisuudella terveydenhuollon toimijoille.
Olemme koonneet kaikki tiedot, jotta sinun ei tarvitse tehdä päätökset yksinkertaisia ja säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Etsi tietty ominaisuus, jonka alustan tulisi sopia hyvin organisaatiollesi.
Ota selvää, mikä hinnoittelusuunnitelma sopii sinulle parhaiten.
Ideal for small practices with simple needs
Designed for medium-sized physician groups and ambulatory settings
Built for large hospitals and inpatient settings
A comprehensive solution for hospitals, health systems, and integrated delivery networks
Katso alusta uusimmasta EpicCare EMR videosta.
Alan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä aiheesta EpicCare EMR omakohtaisesti.
Nämä ovat vaihtoehtoja, joista voit valita ja verrata vastaamaan parhaiten kiinnostuksen kohteitasi ja asiantuntemustasi.
Etsi vastauksia tärkeimpiin kyselyihin, jotta voit tehdä päätöksiä heti.
EpicCare EMR is a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR) system designed to manage patient data, streamline clinical workflows, and improve healthcare outcomes.
Yes, EpicCare EMR has an intuitive interface that allows clinicians to quickly access and update patient information, with minimal training required.
Yes, EpicCare EMR can seamlessly integrate with various hospital systems, lab equipment, and other health IT solutions to create a cohesive healthcare environment.
The benefits of using EpicCare EMR include improved patient care, enhanced clinical decision-making, increased productivity, and better data analysis for population health management.
Yes, EpicCare EMR meets or exceeds all major regulatory standards, including Meaningful Use, ICD-10, and HIPAA, to ensure secure and accurate patient data handling.
Yes, EpicCare EMR can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each hospital or healthcare organization, with flexible workflows and customizable reporting options.
EpicCare EMR offers comprehensive training, technical support, and customer service to ensure successful implementation and ongoing use of the system.
Yes, EpicCare EMR is designed for use in both inpatient and outpatient settings, allowing healthcare providers to manage patient care across multiple locations and environments.
Yes, EpicCare EMR can be hosted on-premises or in the cloud, providing flexibility and scalability for healthcare organizations of all sizes.
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