Viejaa laboratoriotyön tehtäviä meidän laajalla LIS-ohjelmistolla, jossa on erittäin kevyt työvirran hallintaa, tietoanalytiikkaa ja välttämätöntä integraatiota parantakseen tehokkuutta ja potilashoidon laatua.
Olemme koonneet kaikki tiedot, jotta sinun ei tarvitse tehdä päätökset yksinkertaisia ja säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Etsi tietty ominaisuus, jonka alustan tulisi sopia hyvin organisaatiollesi.
Ota selvää, mikä hinnoittelusuunnitelma sopii sinulle parhaiten.
Limited features for small laboratories
Advanced features for medium-sized laboratories
Full-featured system for large and complex laboratories
Cloud-based version of the software with monthly subscription
Annual subscription for on-premise installation
Custom pricing based on the number of users
Katso alusta uusimmasta Laboratory Information Systems videosta.
Alan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä aiheesta Laboratory Information Systems omakohtaisesti.
Nämä ovat vaihtoehtoja, joista voit valita ja verrata vastaamaan parhaiten kiinnostuksen kohteitasi ja asiantuntemustasi.
Etsi vastauksia tärkeimpiin kyselyihin, jotta voit tehdä päätöksiä heti.
A Laboratory Information System (LIS) is a software application that manages and processes laboratory data, samples, and results.
Key features of a good LIS include sample tracking, result reporting, automated testing, patient data management, and analytics for quality control.
An LIS improves laboratory efficiency by automating routine tasks, reducing errors, and streamlining workflows, resulting in faster turnaround times and improved productivity.
The benefits of implementing an LIS include enhanced data quality, improved patient care, increased laboratory productivity, and reduced costs associated with manual processes.
Yes, many modern LISs can integrate with electronic health records (EHRs), laboratory information systems, and other healthcare software to provide a seamless workflow.
Patient data stored in an LIS is highly secure, as it is typically encrypted and protected by robust access controls, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Yes, many LIS vendors offer customization options to tailor their software to meet the unique needs and workflows of individual laboratories.
A good LIS vendor should provide comprehensive support, including training, documentation, and technical assistance to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing use of their software.
Yes, an LIS can help laboratories comply with regulations such as CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) by tracking quality control results, documenting procedures, and maintaining electronic records.
Regular upgrades or updates to your LIS are necessary to ensure the software remains compatible with evolving healthcare technologies, stays current with regulatory requirements, and continues to meet the changing needs of your laboratory.
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