Tee tilojen hallinnasta tehoapinoja käyttämällä Passaren yhdenmukaisessa alustassa, automatisoiden työvaihtoja, parantakaa kommunikaatiota ja vahvistakaa sairaalahemmon kokemus kaikkien mielenterveyden tavoitteiden kanssa.
Olemme koonneet kaikki tiedot, jotta sinun ei tarvitse tehdä päätökset yksinkertaisia ja säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Etsi tietty ominaisuus, jonka alustan tulisi sopia hyvin organisaatiollesi.
Ota selvää, mikä hinnoittelusuunnitelma sopii sinulle parhaiten.
$25/user/month (billed annually)
$40/user/month (billed annually)
$60/user/month (billed annually)
Alan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä aiheesta Passare omakohtaisesti.
Nämä ovat vaihtoehtoja, joista voit valita ja verrata vastaamaan parhaiten kiinnostuksen kohteitasi ja asiantuntemustasi.
Etsi vastauksia tärkeimpiin kyselyihin, jotta voit tehdä päätöksiä heti.
Passare is a cloud-based software solution designed to manage and streamline the laboratory testing and billing process for healthcare providers.
Yes, Passare is fully HIPAA compliant and adheres to all relevant security standards to ensure safe data transmission and storage.
Yes, Passare offers seamless integration with most electronic health record (EHR) systems to automate testing orders and results.
Passare's automated testing and billing processes help reduce errors by ensuring accurate data entry, automatic validation of testing information, and streamlined claim submission.
Yes, Passare is designed with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform tasks.
Yes, Passare offers customization options to tailor the software to your laboratory's unique requirements and workflows.
Yes, Passare provides real-time data analytics and reporting tools to help laboratories track key performance indicators (KPIs) and make informed business decisions.
Yes, Passare is designed to scale with your laboratory's growth, accommodating increased testing volumes and user needs without compromising performance.
Yes, Passare provides comprehensive support and training resources, including online tutorials, webinars, and dedicated customer support to ensure successful implementation and ongoing use.
Yes, Passare is certified by major laboratory accreditation organizations such as CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and CAP (College of American Pathologists).
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