Максималізувати продуктивність з Toggl, інструментом обліку часу та управління проєктами який допомагає бізнесам оптимізувати процеси, збільшити ефективність та приймати рішення на основі даних.
Olemme koonneet kaikki tiedot, jotta sinun ei tarvitse tehdä päätökset yksinkertaisia ja säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Etsi tietty ominaisuus, jonka alustan tulisi sopia hyvin organisaatiollesi.
Descubre qué plan de precios es el más adecuado para ti.
Ideal for individuals and small teams
Basic features, free forever
Full set of features, perfect for growing teams
Advanced reporting and integrations, ideal for large teams and businesses
Conocimientos de primera mano de expertos en el campo sobre Toggl.
Nämä ovat vaihtoehtoja, joista voit valita ja verrata vastaamaan parhaiten kiinnostuksen kohteitasi ja asiantuntemustasi.
Etsi vastauksia tärkeimpiin kyselyihin, jotta voit tehdä päätöksiä heti.
Toggl is a time-tracking software that allows you to track the time spent on tasks, projects, and clients. It works by allowing you to create projects and tasks, and then clocking in and out of each task to record the time spent on it.
To add a new project in Toggl, click on the 'New Project' button on the top right corner of the screen. Fill in the project name and details, and then you can start tracking time for that project.
Yes, with Toggl, you can track time across multiple projects simultaneously. This feature is especially useful for freelancers or team members who work on multiple projects simultaneously.
To generate a report in Toggl, click on the 'Reports' tab and select the desired report type (e.g. time spent, project summary, etc.). You can then customize the report to suit your needs.
Yes, Toggl has integrations with a wide range of third-party tools and services (e.g. Google Calendar, GitHub, Slack, etc.). This allows you to track time and automate workflows across multiple platforms.
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