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Simplifica evaluarea și notarea cu platforma bazată pe cloud a DigiExam, care oferă examene digitale, teste, și sarcini pentru educatori să creeze, gestioneze și evalueze performanța elevilor.


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For small schools and districts with up to 1000 users



For medium-sized schools and districts with up to 5000 users



For large schools and districts with unlimited users


expects의 검증된 리뷰가
DigiExam에 대해 말하는 것

현장 전문가의 통찰력 DigiExam을 직접 사용해 보세요.

J. Brown

I was thoroughly disappointed with DigiExam's inability to accurately track and record online exams. The interface was clunky, features were limited, and technical issues plagued every use - a complete waste of time and resources.

R. Ramos

I've thoroughly enjoyed using DigiExam - its seamless integration with my LMS has streamlined assessments and saved me so much time. The user-friendly interface and robust analytics features have made it a game-changer for both teachers and students alike. Highly recommend!

W. Davis

I've had an amazing experience using DigiExam to create and administer exams! The seamless integration with Google Classroom saved me so much time, while the detailed analytics helped me identify areas where my students needed extra support. A game-changer for educators!

M. Collins

I've had a fantastic experience with DigiExam. The user-friendly interface made it easy to create and administer exams online. The ability to track student performance in real-time was incredibly useful for assessing their understanding of course material. I appreciated the flexibility to ...

K. Baker

I recently had the opportunity to use DigiExam and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The user-friendly interface made it easy for me to navigate and create assignments. I appreciated the flexibility to customize assessments according to my teaching needs. The built-in timer feature e...

고려하고 비교할 수 있는 DigiExam의 대안

Ezek olyan alternatívák, amelyek közül választhat és hasonlíthat össze, hogy a legjobban megfeleljen érdeklődésének és szakértelmének.

DigiExam에 대한 자주 묻는 질문

Keressen választ a legrelevánsabb kérdésekre, hogy azonnal döntéseket tudjon hozni.

What is DigiExam?

DigiExam is a digital assessment platform used for creating, administering, and grading online exams and assessments.

Is DigiExam compatible with my learning management system (LMS)?

Yes, DigiExam integrates with popular LMS platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle to streamline the assessment process.

How do I create an exam in DigiExam?

To create an exam, simply log in to your DigiExam account, navigate to the 'Exams' tab, click on 'Create Exam', and follow the step-by-step instructions to set up your exam.

Can I use my own questions or must I use pre-made ones?

You can use either your own questions or pre-made ones from DigiExam's question bank. You also have the option to import questions from other sources if needed.

How do students access and take an exam in DigiExam?

Students can access exams through a unique link provided by the teacher or instructor, which will direct them to the DigiExam platform where they can log in and complete the exam.

Sziasztok, mire van szüksége?

Szükségünk van egy megbízható projektmenedzsment szoftverre 50-ért, felhasználónként kevesebb mint 10 dollárért...

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Szükségem van egy fogászati ​​klinika szoftverre a foglalások és a fizetések kezeléséhez...

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