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OutSystems 가격 계획

어떤 가격 계획이 당신에게 가장 적합한지 알아보세요.


$10,000 one-time fee. No ongoing costs.



$30,000 one-time fee (includes first year of support). $20,000 annual license fee thereafter.



$50,000 one-time fee. No ongoing costs.


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OutSystems에 대해 말하는 것

현장 전문가의 통찰력 OutSystems을 직접 사용해 보세요.

R. Parker

I've been impressed with OutSystems' ability to deliver rapid application development while maintaining high-quality code. The visual modeling and drag-and-drop features have streamlined my workflow, allowing me to focus on business logic rather than tedious coding tasks.

P. Scott

OutSystems has revolutionized my development process with its intuitive visual platform and seamless integration capabilities, allowing me to rapidly deliver high-quality applications with minimal code. The extensive library of pre-built components saved significant time and resources, boo...

P. Baker

I've had an exceptional experience with OutSystems. The visual interface made it easy to design and deploy applications quickly. Development time was significantly reduced thanks to the low-code features. Integration with existing systems was seamless and the drag-and-drop functionality al...

T. Garcia

OutSystems exceeded my expectations in terms of ease of use and rapid application development. Its drag-and-drop interface simplified complex coding tasks, allowing me to deliver high-quality software solutions efficiently and effectively.

K. Jones

I was thoroughly disappointed with my experience using OutSystems. The initial promise of rapid application development and low-code capabilities quickly fell short as I encountered numerous issues during deployment and customization. The platform's limitations became apparent when trying ...

고려하고 비교할 수 있는 OutSystems의 대안

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OutSystems에 대한 자주 묻는 질문

Find answers to the most relevant queries to be able to make decisions right away.

What is OutSystems?

OutSystems is a low-code development platform that enables organizations to rapidly build, deploy, and manage enterprise-grade applications.

Is OutSystems a low-code or no-code solution?

OutSystems is a low-code solution. While it does provide a visual interface for building applications, it still requires some coding knowledge to use its advanced features.

What types of applications can be built with OutSystems?

OutSystems can be used to build a wide range of applications, including web and mobile apps, business process management systems, portals, and more.

Is OutSystems scalable?

Yes, OutSystems is designed to scale with your organization's needs. It supports large-scale deployments and can handle high traffic volumes.

Does OutSystems have a built-in database?

No, OutSystems does not have a built-in database. However, it can connect to various external databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and more.

What is the cost of using OutSystems?

The cost of using OutSystems depends on your organization's specific needs and requirements. It offers a free trial, as well as various pricing plans for different use cases.

Does OutSystems have any integrations with other tools?

Yes, OutSystems has integrations with various third-party tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Analytics, and more.

Is OutSystems suitable for small businesses?

Yes, OutSystems is a great option for small businesses looking to quickly build custom applications without requiring extensive IT resources.

Does OutSystems have any security features?

Yes, OutSystems has various security features such as encryption, access control, and more to ensure the security of your applications.

Can I use OutSystems on-premises or in the cloud?

Yes, OutSystems can be used both on-premises and in the cloud. It supports deployment on various cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

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