Mit der intuitiven Oberfläche, den leistungsstarken Datenwerkzeugen und der schadhaften Integration von Studio 3T lässt sich die Leistungsfähigkeit von MongoDB maximieren, so dass eine effiziente Datenbankverwaltung und Entwicklung möglich ist.
Дізнайтеся, який тарифний план вам найкраще підходить.
Perfect for small teams and individual developers.
The ideal plan for most development teams.
For large enterprises and complex requirements.
A cloud-hosted MongoDB database on top of Studio 3T.
Інформація експертів про Studio 3T з перших вуст.
Studio 3T is a comprehensive MongoDB administration tool that provides a graphical interface for managing and developing MongoDB databases.
Yes, Studio 3T offers a free trial version with limited features. The full-featured version can be purchased on a subscription basis or as a perpetual license.
Studio 3T supports Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
Yes, Studio 3T fully supports MongoDB Atlas and can be used to manage and develop databases in the cloud-based platform.
Studio 3T provides a range of features for MongoDB development, including schema design, query builder, and data import/export tools.
Yes, Studio 3T is fully compatible with MongoDB Compass and can be used in conjunction with it to provide a comprehensive view of your MongoDB databases.
To get started with Studio 3T, simply download the software from our website and follow the installation instructions. You can also refer to our user guide for detailed documentation on getting started with the software.
Yes, Studio 3T offers a range of support options, including online documentation, email support, and priority support for customers who have purchased a subscription or perpetual license.
Yes, Studio 3T fully supports MongoDB running on-premises and can be used to manage and develop databases in your own data center.