PCC 대안

Обвъртете бизнес операциите си с издателството на PCC, предлагащо свързани решения за управление на проекти, аллокация на ресурси и следене на ефективността за максимизиране на ефективност и производителност.

Alternative Products


Unlock personalized nutrition planning with Nutrium. Our comprehensive software provides tailored dietary recommendations, streamlined meal planning, and analytics for improved health outcomes.

Обща оценка 4.0 (43 Отзиви)

Производителност: 7%

ROI: 9%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 10

Apicbase Restaurant Management

Effortlessly manage your restaurant with Apicbase - a user-friendly management software that streamlines operations, boosts efficiency, and enhances customer experience.

Обща оценка 4.5 (95 Отзиви)

Производителност: 7%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 8

Kafoodle Kitchen

Transform meal planning with Kafoodle Kitchen - a comprehensive software for creating tailored nutrition plans, automating recipes, and managing kitchen operations with precision.

Обща оценка 4.7 (18 Отзиви)

Производителност: 3%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 13


AZEOO is a cloud-based enterprise software that streamlines business operations with AI-powered workflow automation, real-time analytics, and customizable dashboards for enhanced productivity and decision-making.

Обща оценка 4.5 (56 Отзиви)

Производителност: 8%

ROI: 4%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 8

Nutriadmin logo


Streamline healthcare operations with NutriAdmin's all-in-one practice management software, designed to improve patient care and staff efficiency through automated workflows and customizable features.

Обща оценка 4.8 (9,221 Отзиви)

Производителност: 11%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 13

Foodzilla logo


Unlock your restaurant's full potential with Foodzilla, a user-friendly food ordering management system that streamlines orders, boosts sales, and simplifies operations for enhanced customer satisfaction.

Обща оценка 4.3 (26 Отзиви)

Производителност: 12%

ROI: 3%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 12

Nutritics Labelling

Accurately track nutrients in food products with our easy-to-use labelling software. Streamline compliance and enhance consumer trust through precise nutrition information disclosure.

Обща оценка 3.8 (36 Отзиви)

Производителност: 10%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 10

DietMaster Pro

Maximize your weight loss potential with DietMaster Pro, a comprehensive nutrition planning tool that helps track calories, macronutrients, and progress towards achieving optimal health.

Обща оценка 4.5 (69 Отзиви)

Производителност: 4%

ROI: 2%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 12

Natty Gains

Maximize your fitness journey with Natty Gains, a comprehensive software solution for tracking workouts, macronutrients, and progress, helping you achieve your wellness goals efficiently.

Обща оценка 4.7 (65 Отзиви)

Производителност: 8%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 10

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