Løs arbeidslæringspotensialet med Adobe Captivate Prime, en omfattende LMS som automatisk håndterer utdanning, følger fremgang og øker engasjement i et skalerbart og sikret miljø.
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Try Adobe Captivate Prime for free. Limited to 50 users.
Get started with the features you need. Includes onboarding, content library and user management
Unlock more features to boost adoption and performance. Includes advanced analytics and reporting
Get the ultimate experience with all features and priority support
Veja a plataforma nos vídeos mais recentes de Adobe Captivate Prime.
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Adobe Captivate Prime is a cloud-based learning platform that allows you to create, manage, and deploy online training programs for your employees, customers, or partners.
With Adobe Captivate Prime, you can upload and publish eLearning content, track user progress, and analyze learning data all within a single platform.
Yes, Adobe Captivate Prime is designed to be user-friendly, even for those without extensive technical expertise. The platform provides a simple and intuitive interface for creating and managing online training programs.
Yes, Adobe Captivate Prime can be integrated with various third-party systems, such as LMS, HRIS, and SSO providers, to create a seamless learning experience.
You can upload various types of eLearning content, including video, text-based courses, SCORM packages, and even interactive simulations.
Adobe Captivate Prime provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities to help you monitor user activity, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.
Yes, Adobe Captivate Prime has a responsive design that allows users to access online training programs from their mobile devices, providing flexibility and convenience.
Yes, the platform enables you to create and manage user groups based on specific criteria, such as job function, department, or location.
Adobe offers comprehensive customer support for Captivate Prime, including online resources, phone support, and dedicated account managers to ensure a successful implementation and ongoing success.
저희의 고급 알고리즘이 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾아 모든 넌센스와 마케팅 버즈를 걸러냅니다.