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Blackboard Collaborate

Черната доска Collaborate е платформа за виртуална класнога зала, която улеснява отдалечените учишълни изживания, осигуряваща курсове с водещ учител, уебинари и срещи с интерактивни инструменти и живо видеоконференциони възможности.

Reviews and Ratings of Blackboard Collaborate

모든 데이터를 수집했으므로 귀하는 할 필요가 없습니다. 의사 결정을 간소화하고 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.

4.2 (456)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




의사 결정에 중요한 기능 찾기

플랫폼이 귀하의 조직에 적합하도록 갖춰야 할 특정 기능 찾기

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Управление на Документите?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Управление на общуването?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Извеждане/Аналитика?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Трети странични интеграции?

Blackboard Collaborate Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


Up to 100 participants per session. Limited features.

Ultra HD (UHD)

Up to 200 participants per session. High-definition video and audio.



Up to 250 participants per session. Standard-definition video and audio.



Up to 500 participants per session. Priority technical support, single sign-on (SSO), and more.


What verified reviews from expects say about
Blackboard Collaborate

Insights from field experts about Blackboard Collaborate from first hand.

R. Baker

I've had a seamless experience with Blackboard Collaborate - intuitive interface, robust features, and excellent technical support ensured smooth online teaching sessions. The software's flexibility and user-friendliness have greatly enhanced my virtual classroom experience. Highly recomme...

L. Anderson

I was thoroughly impressed with Blackboard Collaborate's seamless virtual classroom experience. The intuitive interface and robust features allowed me to engage with instructors and peers effortlessly. High-quality video and audio ensured clear communication. The ability to share content a...

L. Allen

I've had a seamless experience using Blackboard Collaborate for online meetings and training sessions. The platform's user-friendly interface and robust features allowed me to easily facilitate interactive discussions, share content, and engage participants in real-time. Technical support ...

B. Garcia

I'm extremely disappointed with my experience using Blackboard Collaborate. The interface is clunky and outdated, making it difficult to navigate even for someone familiar with online conferencing tools. Audio and video quality are subpar, often lagging behind or dropping out altogether, w...

Blackboard Collaborate is best fit for these top industries


Софтуер за управление на кампании, анализиране на аудиторията и сътрудничество в област на творческите умения. Напредни решения за планиране на кампании, следене на ефективността и изготвяне на съдържание. Основни инструменти за въздействащи и успешни рекламни усилия.


Програмни продукти за аерокосмическа индустрия за дизайн, управление на проекти и контрол на качество. Лидращи решения за разработване на системите на самолетите, управление на производствения процес и гарантиране на изисквани стандарти за безопасност. Вярани от производителите да подпомагат точно и надеждни аерокосмични инженерства.


Софтуер за автомобилна индустрия за проектиране, планове за производство и контрол на качеството. Напредъчени решения за развитие на модели за автомобили, управление на процесите за производство и гарантиране на безопасни стандарти. Основни инструменти за точен и вярenos автопроизводство.

Alternatives to Blackboard Collaborate you might consider and compare

이러한 대안은 관심사와 전문 분야에 가장 잘 맞는 것을 선택하여 비교할 수 있습니다.

Frequently asked questions about Blackboard Collaborate

바로 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 가장 관련성 있는 질문에 대한 답변을 찾으세요.

What is Blackboard Collaborate?

Blackboard Collaborate is a web conferencing platform that enables users to participate in online meetings, presentations, and discussions.

How do I access Blackboard Collaborate?

You can access Blackboard Collaborate by logging into the Blackboard system with your username and password, then clicking on the Collaborate link in the menu bar.

What devices can I use to access Blackboard Collaborate?

Blackboard Collaborate is compatible with most desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. You can access it from any device with a modern web browser and internet connection.

How do I join a session in Blackboard Collaborate?

To join a session, click on the link provided by the session leader or instructor, then enter your name and choose your audio settings. You can also dial-in using a phone if you prefer.

Can I record sessions in Blackboard Collaborate?

Yes, session leaders and instructors have the ability to record sessions for later review or sharing with others.

How do I troubleshoot common issues in Blackboard Collaborate?

Check your internet connection, browser settings, and audio levels. You can also try restarting your device or using a different web browser if you experience technical difficulties.

Is Blackboard Collaborate secure?

Yes, Blackboard Collaborate uses industry-standard security protocols to protect user data and ensure the integrity of online sessions.

Can I use Blackboard Collaborate with a screen reader or other assistive technology?

Yes, Blackboard Collaborate is designed to be accessible to users with disabilities. You can use a screen reader or other assistive technologies to navigate the platform and participate in sessions.

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