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Comprehensive Admission Suite

Melhore o processo de admissão da sua instituição com um software integralmente designado para gerenciar as aplicações de forma eficiente.

Reviews and Ratings of Comprehensive Admission Suite

모든 데이터를 수집했으므로 귀하는 할 필요가 없습니다. 의사 결정을 간소화하고 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.

4.6 (1,648)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




의사 결정에 중요한 기능 찾기

플랫폼이 귀하의 조직에 적합하도록 갖춰야 할 특정 기능 찾기

Μπορεί αυτό το προϊόν να μας βοηθήσει με το Данни за Импорт/Изкспорт;

Μπορεί αυτό το προϊόν να μας βοηθήσει με το Управление на Календарите;

Μπορεί αυτό το προϊόν να μας βοηθήσει με το Поканили форми;

Μπορεί αυτό το προϊόν να μας βοηθήσει με το Трети странични интеграции;

Comprehensive Admission Suite Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


1 User, Limited Features



5 Users, Advanced Features



10 Users, All Features


What verified reviews from expects say about
Comprehensive Admission Suite

Insights from field experts about Comprehensive Admission Suite from first hand.

D. Patel

I'm extremely disappointed with the Comprehensive Admission Suite. The user interface is clunky and outdated, processing times are slow, and the automation features are limited and prone to errors, making it a waste of time and money.

M. Edwards

I've had the pleasure of utilizing the Comprehensive Admission Suite software and I'm thoroughly impressed. The intuitive interface streamlined my admission process, allowing me to efficiently manage applications, streamline workflows, and make data-driven decisions with ease. The robust f...

R. Carter

I was thoroughly impressed with the Comprehensive Admission Suite (CAS) software! As an administrator in higher education, I needed a solution to streamline our admission process and ensure compliance with federal regulations. CAS exceeded my expectations. The intuitive interface made it e...

R. Harris

I've had the pleasure of utilizing the Comprehensive Admission Suite (CAS) software for my college admissions process, and I must say it's been a game-changer. The user-friendly interface made navigating the application portal a breeze, even for someone like me who wasn't tech-savvy. The a...

Comprehensive Admission Suite is best fit for these top industries


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.

Селско стопанство

Агротехническа индустриална софтуер за управление на културите, отслежване на животни и функциониране на веригата от доставки. Развършени решения за мониторинг на прираст, управление на ресурси и осигуряване на устойчивост. Основни инструменти за ефективно и продуктивно земеделско производство.


Програмни продукти за индустрията на изкуствата за управление на проекти, съвместна творческа работа и енджагмент с публиката. Ръководещи решения за организиране на изложения, управление на портфолио и връзка с аудиторията. Вярани от художници и галерии за подпомагане на творчески проекти и разширение на достъпността.

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Frequently asked questions about Comprehensive Admission Suite

바로 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 가장 관련성 있는 질문에 대한 답변을 찾으세요.

What is Comprehensive Admission Suite (CAS)?

Comprehensive Admission Suite (CAS) is a web-based application that enables students to apply to college by submitting their application materials online.

How does CAS benefit colleges and universities?

CAS benefits colleges and universities by streamlining the application process, reducing paperwork, and providing real-time monitoring of applications. It also enables institutions to collect and analyze data on applicant behavior and demographics.

What features are included in a standard CAS installation?

A standard CAS installation includes online application and payment processing, automated email reminders, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Is CAS accessible to students with disabilities?

Yes, CAS is designed to be accessible to students with disabilities. It meets or exceeds the accessibility guidelines set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Can I integrate CAS with my existing student information system?

Yes, CAS can be integrated with your existing student information system using a variety of protocols and APIs.

How secure is the data collected by CAS?

The data collected by CAS is stored in a highly secure environment that meets or exceeds all applicable federal regulations. Access to the data is strictly controlled and monitored.

Can I customize the application process using CAS?

Yes, institutions can customize the application process using CAS to meet their specific needs and requirements.

How do I get support for CAS?

Support for CAS is available via phone, email, or online chat. A comprehensive user guide and online documentation are also available to help users troubleshoot issues.

Is there a fee associated with using CAS?

Yes, there is a fee associated with using CAS, which varies depending on the specific features and services required by the institution. Contact a CAS representative for more information.

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