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Destiny Library Manager

운명 도서관 관리자는 소규모에서 중형 규모의 도서관에 대한 통합 온라인 카탈로그 시스템입니다. 쉽고 간단한 도서 카탈로깅, 회수 관리 및 이용자 접근을 제공합니다.


Mnenja in ocene Destiny Library Manager

모든 데이터를 수집했으므로 귀하는 할 필요가 없습니다. 의사 결정을 간소화하고 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.

4.2 (630)





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의사 결정에 중요한 기능 찾기

플랫폼이 귀하의 조직에 적합하도록 갖춰야 할 특정 기능 찾기

Ce produit peut-il nous aider avec Gestion des périodiques ?

Ce produit peut-il nous aider avec Bibliothèques publiques ?

Ce produit peut-il nous aider avec Vérification automatique de l'arrivée et du départ ?

Ce produit peut-il nous aider avec Bibliothèques privées ?

Destiny Library Manager cenovni načrti

Ugotovite, kateri cenovni načrt vam najbolj ustreza.


Up to 500 holdings, ideal for small libraries.



Up to 2,000 holdings, suitable for medium-sized libraries.



Up to 5,000 holdings, ideal for large libraries.



Unlimited holdings and users, perfect for enterprise-wide deployment.


Kaj preverjene ocene od pričakujejo o
Destiny Library Manager

Vpogled strokovnjakov na tem področju o Destiny Library Manager iz prve roke.

D. Lee

I've found Destiny to be an incredibly efficient tool for managing my library's collections and cataloging. Its ease of use and comprehensive features have greatly streamlined our workflow, allowing us to better serve our patrons.

T. Harris

I've been using Destiny for over a year and it's been a game-changer for our library's collection management. The ease of use, customization options, and robust reporting features have streamlined our processes and improved data accuracy, saving us time and resources.

R. Wilson

I've had an incredibly positive experience with Destiny Library Manager. The user-friendly interface and robust features have streamlined our library's operations, saving us significant time and resources. The reporting capabilities have provided invaluable insights into our collection and...

K. White

I've been using Destiny for over a year now and it's been a game-changer for our school library. The ease of use, combined with its powerful features, has streamlined my workflow and improved student engagement with the catalog. I highly recommend this software to libraries looking for an ...

Alternative za Destiny Library Manager, ki bi jih lahko upoštevali in primerjali

이러한 대안은 관심사와 전문 분야에 가장 잘 맞는 것을 선택하여 비교할 수 있습니다.

Pogosta vprašanja o Destiny Library Manager

바로 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 가장 관련성 있는 질문에 대한 답변을 찾으세요.

What is Destiny Library Manager?

Destiny Library Manager (DLM) is a web-based collection management and discovery system designed for public libraries.

Can I use Destiny with my existing ILS?

Yes, DLM can be used as a secondary system to augment your existing Integrated Library System (ILS).

How do I manage my library's collection in Destiny?

You can import and edit bibliographic records, as well as set up and manage holds and due dates for patrons.

Can patrons use Destiny to search the catalog and place holds?

Yes, Destiny allows patrons to search your library's collection, view item availability, and place holds on items not currently checked out.

Is Destiny Library Manager compliant with accessibility standards?

Yes, DLM is designed to meet or exceed the accessibility guidelines set forth by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

How do I get support for Destiny Library Manager?

You can find online documentation, tutorials, and training resources on our website, as well as contact our dedicated support team for assistance with any questions or issues you may have.

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