Transforma învățarea cu Google Classroom, o platformă online gratuită care simplifică sarcinile, notările și comunicarea între profesori și studenți într-un mod sigur și organizat.
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Google Classroom is a free online platform that helps teachers create, assign, and grade assignments in their classroom.
To get started, teachers need to sign in with their Google account, while students can join using the class code provided by their teacher.
Teachers can create various types of assignments such as PDFs, videos, images, and more. They can also set due dates, add instructions, and attach files or links.
Yes, teachers can use the grading feature to provide feedback on student work. They can assign points, leave comments, and even attach rubrics for more detailed feedback.
Yes, Google Classroom is tightly integrated with other Google tools such as Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. This makes it easy to share files, edit documents, and collaborate with others.
Yes, students can submit their work directly to the teacher through Google Classroom. They can upload files, attach links, or even record videos to submit their work.
Teachers can use the messaging feature in Google Classroom to send announcements, reminders, or one-on-one messages to students. They can also create discussion forums for more interactive learning experiences.
Yes, Google Classroom has mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. This makes it easy for teachers and students to access their classes and assignments on-the-go.
Yes, Google Classroom can be used alongside your existing LMS. You can import courses, rosters, and even grades from other systems to streamline your workflow.
Yes, Google Classroom is a free service for both teachers and schools. It's designed to be a cost-effective solution for education, so you can focus on teaching without worrying about additional expenses.
저희의 고급 알고리즘이 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾아 모든 넌센스와 마케팅 버즈를 걸러냅니다.