Förenkla din online betalning med PayPals säkra och tillförlitliga mjukvara för slimmare transaktioner över hela världen.
모든 데이터를 수집했으므로 귀하는 할 필요가 없습니다. 의사 결정을 간소화하고 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.
플랫폼이 귀하의 조직에 적합하도록 갖춰야 할 특정 기능 찾기
Sužinokite, kuris kainų nustatymo planas jums labiausiai tinka.
Basic plan for personal use
Advanced plan for individuals and businesses
Premium plan for businesses
Premium plan for high-volume businesses
Convenient checkout experience for customers
Lauko ekspertų įžvalgos PayPal Iš pirmų rankų.
이러한 대안은 관심사와 전문 분야에 가장 잘 맞는 것을 선택하여 비교할 수 있습니다.
바로 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 가장 관련성 있는 질문에 대한 답변을 찾으세요.
PayPal is a digital payment service that allows users to send and receive payments online, without the need for paper checks or credit card numbers.
To create a PayPal account, go to the PayPal website and click on 'Sign Up'. Follow the prompts to enter your name, email address, password, and other required information.
You can use PayPal to make payments for goods and services online, as well as send money to friends and family. You can also use PayPal to pay bills and transfer funds between bank accounts.
Yes, PayPal has multiple layers of security in place to protect your account information. This includes encryption, firewalls, and other measures to prevent unauthorized access.
Yes, PayPal has a mobile app that allows you to send and receive payments, as well as manage your account on the go.
PayPal charges various fees for different types of transactions, including payment processing fees, currency conversion fees, and late payment fees. See the PayPal website for more information on fees.
To cancel your PayPal account, log in to your account and click on 'Settings' or 'Account'. Then, follow the prompts to delete your account. Note that this will not affect any existing balances or payments.
Yes, PayPal offers various tools and integrations for online merchants, including payment buttons, APIs, and other features to simplify the checkout process and increase sales.
저희의 고급 알고리즘이 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾아 모든 넌센스와 마케팅 버즈를 걸러냅니다.