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Özgür ve açık kaynaklı bir işletim sistemi olarak çalışır, çeşitli ihtiyaçlar ve amaçlar için paket koleksiyonu sunar ve bu durum topluluk tarafından yönetilmektedir.


Debian Hakkındaki Yorumlar ve Puanlar

Mes surinkome visus duomenis, kad jums to nereikėtų, kad priimtume sprendimus paprasti ir sutaupytumėte laiko bei pinigų.

4.6 (200)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




İşletme Boyutuna Göre Kullanım


Raskite savybes, kurios yra svarbios priimant sprendimus

Raskite konkrečią funkciją, kurią platforma turėtų puikiai tikti jūsų organizacijai.

Debian Fiyatlandırma Planları

Sizin için en uygun fiyatlandırma planının hangisi olduğunu öğrenin.

Debian Standard

For personal use

Debian Developer

For developers and businesses


Expects'in doğrulanmış yorumlarının
Debian hakkında söyledikleri

Alan uzmanlarından Debian hakkında birinci elden bilgiler.

R. Allen

I've used Debian for several years and have been thoroughly impressed by its stability reliability and flexibility. The package manager is efficient and intuitive making it easy to install and update software as needed. Highly recommended!

P. Kelly

I've been using Debian for several years and it has consistently delivered on its promise of stability and customizability. The package management system is efficient and user-friendly, making it a great choice for developers and power users alike.

S. White

I've been using Debian for years and it has never disappointed me - rock-solid stability, vast package selection, excellent community support, and lightning-fast updates make it a true powerhouse in the world of Linux distributions.

T. Wilson

I've had an exceptional experience with Debian - its stability and customization options have exceeded my expectations. The vast community-driven package selection has provided me with exactly what I needed, making it a top choice for software enthusiasts like myself.

S. Edwards

I'm extremely disappointed with my experience using Debian. The installation process was a nightmare, taking hours to complete and requiring me to manually configure every single detail of my system. Once installed, I encountered numerous bugs and glitches that crashed the system multiple ...

Debian'e alternatifler düşünebilir ve karşılaştırabilirsiniz

Tai yra alternatyvos, iš kurių galite pasirinkti ir palyginti su geriausiai suderinti su savo pomėgiais ir pateikti patirties.

Debian hakkında sık sorulan sorular

Raskite atsakymus į tinkamiausias užklausas, kad galėtumėte iškart priimti sprendimus.

What is Debian?

Debian is a free and open source operating system that uses the Linux kernel.

How do I update my packages to the latest version in Debian?

You can use the apt-get command with the update and upgrade options, like so: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade`

What is the difference between apt-get and aptitude?

apt-get is a simple package manager that installs packages from a specified repository, while aptitude provides more advanced features such as dependency resolution and conflict resolution.

How do I remove unneeded packages in Debian?

You can use the `autoremove` option with apt-get to automatically remove any packages that are no longer needed: `sudo apt-get autoremove`

Can I run 32-bit applications on a 64-bit version of Debian?

Yes, you can use the `multiarch` feature in Debian to install and run 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system.

Sveiki, ko tau reikia?

Mums reikia patikimo Projekto valdymas Programinė įranga 50 už mažiau nei 10 USD vienam vartotojui ...

Audito platforma su integruotu mokymu ir Atsargų valdymas...

Man reikia a Dantų klinika Programinė įranga, skirta tvarkyti, rezervuoti ir mokėti ...

Rekomenduokite man lengvai ir greitai įgyvendinti Pokalbis už mūsų palaikymą ...

Mūsų patobulintas algoritmas ras geriausią jūsų poreikių sprendimą ir išfiltruoja visas jums nesąmones ir rinkodaros garsus