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Pārskati un vērtējumi OpenLP

Mes surinkome visus duomenis, kad jums to nereikėtų, kad priimtume sprendimus paprasti ir sutaupytumėte laiko bei pinigų.

4.0 (30)





Naudas vērtība


Lietošanas ērtums




Lietošana pēc biznesa lieluma


Raskite savybes, kurios yra svarbios priimant sprendimus

Raskite konkrečią funkciją, kurią platforma turėtų puikiai tikti jūsų organizacijai.

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Czy ten produkt może pomóc nas z {{name}?

Czy ten produkt może pomóc nas z {{name}?

Czy ten produkt może pomóc nas z {{name}?

OpenLP Cenu plāni

Uzziniet, kurš cenu plāns jums ir vispiemērotākais.


Perfect for small churches or home groups.


Great for solo worship leaders or small teams.



Designed for larger churches and teams.


Ko par pārbaudītajiem pārskatiem saka par

Lauka ekspertu ieskats par OpenLP no pirmās puses.

R. Brooks

I've had an excellent experience with OpenLP - it's intuitive, feature-rich, and perfectly suited for small to medium-sized church presentations and worship services! The user interface is clean and easy to navigate.

L. Thomas

I've found OpenLP to be an incredibly user-friendly and feature-rich tool for creating and managing church services. Its intuitive interface and seamless media management made my job as a worship leader a breeze. Highly recommended!

J. Carter

I've been using OpenLP for our church's services and it's been a game-changer. The user-friendly interface made it easy to create and manage song sets, even for someone with limited technical experience like me. The software's features, such as custom lyric displays and live lyrics scrolli...

L. Watson

I've had the pleasure of using OpenLP for my church's worship services and I must say it's been a game-changer. The user-friendly interface makes song selection and transitions seamless, allowing me to focus on leading our congregation in worship rather than fiddling with software. The bui...

R. Wright

I've had the pleasure of using OpenLP for our church's worship services and I'm thoroughly impressed with its ease of use, intuitive interface, and robust feature set - it's been a game-changer for us!

K. Evans

I've had the pleasure of using OpenLP for our church's worship services and I must say it's been a game-changer. The software is incredibly user-friendly, even for those who aren't tech-savvy like myself. The layout customization options are vast, allowing us to tailor the presentation to ...

Alternatīvas OpenLP jūs varētu apsvērt un salīdzināt

Tai yra alternatyvos, iš kurių galite pasirinkti ir palyginti su geriausiai suderinti su savo pomėgiais ir pateikti patirties.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par OpenLP

Raskite atsakymus į tinkamiausias užklausas, kad galėtumėte iškart priimti sprendimus.

What is OpenLP?

OpenLP is a free and open-source song selection and presentation software for churches and worship services.

Is OpenLP compatible with Windows, Mac, or Linux?

Yes, OpenLP is available on all three platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Can I import my existing song library into OpenLP?

Yes, OpenLP supports importing songs from various file formats, including CCLI, MediaShout, and others.

How do I create a setlist in OpenLP?

To create a setlist, simply add the desired songs to the 'Set' section of the software, and arrange them in the order you want them played.

Can I project lyrics and media from OpenLP directly onto a screen?

Yes, OpenLP has built-in support for projecting lyrics, videos, and images directly to a projector or display device.

How do I add custom graphics or backgrounds to my presentation?

You can add your own graphics or backgrounds by clicking on the 'Background' tab in the 'Display' section of OpenLP.

Can I run OpenLP from a USB drive or other portable storage device?

Yes, OpenLP is fully portable and can be run directly from a USB drive or other portable storage device without installation.

Is OpenLP compatible with my church's existing soundboard system?

OpenLP supports output to external audio devices, including soundboards and mixers, making it easy to integrate into your existing sound system.

Can I get help or support if I need it?

Yes, OpenLP has an active community of users and developers who can provide support and assistance through the official forums and documentation.

Sveiki, ko tau reikia?

Mums reikia patikimo Projekto valdymas Programinė įranga 50 už mažiau nei 10 USD vienam vartotojui ...

Audito platforma su integruotu mokymu ir Atsargų valdymas...

Man reikia a Dantų klinika Programinė įranga, skirta tvarkyti, rezervuoti ir mokėti ...

Rekomenduokite man lengvai ir greitai įgyvendinti Pokalbis už mūsų palaikymą ...

Mūsų patobulintas algoritmas ras geriausią jūsų poreikių sprendimą ir išfiltruoja visas jums nesąmones ir rinkodaros garsus