Prisijungti bendrai istorijos pasakymui su Prezi Bižum, galingas platforma, kuris jungia įtiklingus vaizdus su visai tvirtųjį keliavimą funkcijomis komandoms užmezgė ir pristatyti tikslūjas turinį.
Mes surinkome visus duomenis, kad jums to nereikėtų, kad priimtume sprendimus paprasti ir sutaupytumėte laiko bei pinigų.
Raskite konkrečią funkciją, kurią platforma turėtų puikiai tikti jūsų organizacijai.
어떤 가격 계획이 당신에게 가장 적합한지 알아보세요.
All features, 24/7 support, and free upgrades
All features, 24/7 support, and free upgrades for a year
All features, 24/7 support, and free upgrades for an annual commitment
현장 전문가의 통찰력 Prezi Business을 직접 사용해 보세요.
Tai yra alternatyvos, iš kurių galite pasirinkti ir palyginti su geriausiai suderinti su savo pomėgiais ir pateikti patirties.
Raskite atsakymus į tinkamiausias užklausas, kad galėtumėte iškart priimti sprendimus.
Prezi Business is a presentation software designed for businesses and professionals, offering advanced features such as collaboration tools, customizable templates, and analytics.
Prezi Business allows teams to work together in real-time on presentations, with features like comment threads, user permissions, and file sharing.
Yes, Prezi Business offers a wide range of customizable templates that can be tailored to fit your brand's style and needs.
Prezi Business provides analytics tools to help you track views, clicks, and other engagement metrics for your presentations.
Yes, Prezi Business is accessible on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring that you can access and present from anywhere.
Yes, Prezi Business allows you to export your presentations in various formats, including PowerPoint, PDF, and image files.
Prezi Business pricing varies depending on the plan and features needed. Contact Prezi for more information and a custom quote.
Prezi Business provides 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and chat, ensuring that you can get help whenever you need it.
Yes, Prezi Business integrates with popular productivity and collaboration tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Zoom, making it easy to incorporate into your workflow.
Mūsų patobulintas algoritmas ras geriausią jūsų poreikių sprendimą ir išfiltruoja visas jums nesąmones ir rinkodaros garsus