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CentOS Linux

CentOS Linux ir sabiedrības vadītais iestādes Linux izvietošanas līdzeklis ar stingru koncentraciju uz stabilību, drošību un plūsmu spēju, kas ir pareizi lietot par serveriem un dati centriem.


Pārskati un vērtējumi CentOS Linux

Mēs esam apkopojuši visus datus, tāpēc jums tas nav jādara, pieņemot lēmumus vienkāršus un ietaupot laiku un naudu.

4.5 (424)





Naudas vērtība


Lietošanas ērtums




Lietošana pēc biznesa lieluma


Atrodiet kritiskas funkcijas, pieņemot lēmumus

Atrodiet konkrētu funkciju, kurai platformai vajadzētu būt lieliskai, lai jūsu organizācijai būtu lieliska.

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CentOS Linux Cenu plāni

Uzziniet, kurš cenu plāns jums ir vispiemērotākais.


100% free and open-source. No cost or licensing fees.


Professional support, updates, and security patches. Ideal for businesses.


CentOS Linux Produktu atsauksmes

Skatiet platformu no jaunākā iekšpusē CentOS Linux Video.

Ko par pārbaudītajiem pārskatiem saka par
CentOS Linux

Lauka ekspertu ieskats par CentOS Linux no pirmās puses.

L. Wright

Disappointing experience with CentOS. Installation process was cumbersome and time-consuming. Package management was archaic and prone to errors, causing numerous dependency issues that were difficult to resolve.

K. Harris

I've thoroughly enjoyed using CentOS Linux, impressed by its stability and reliability even in high-demand situations. Its rich package ecosystem allowed for seamless integrations with my existing infrastructure. A solid choice for businesses seeking a secure and dependable platform.

H. Chapman

I've tried using CentOS and I must say it's been a frustrating experience. The installation process was a nightmare, with multiple dependencies failing to resolve. Once installed, the system crashed frequently, requiring tedious debugging sessions. Support is also lacking, with long respon...

C. Collins

I was disappointed with CentOS's outdated package manager and lack of user-friendly interface, which made upgrading and installing new packages a frustrating experience. The community support was also inconsistent and not very helpful for beginners like me.

D. Collins

I've been using CentOS for my server needs and I'm thoroughly impressed with its stability and security. The installation process was seamless and the package manager, yum, makes it easy to install and update software. The community support is also excellent, with a large pool of knowledge...

R. Brown

I've been using CentOS for several years now and it's been an absolute delight. The installation process was seamless and easy to navigate, even for a Linux newbie like me. The software is rock solid and has never given me any issues, with the latest updates being thoroughly tested and rel...

Alternatīvas CentOS Linux jūs varētu apsvērt un salīdzināt

Šīs ir alternatīvas, no kurām jūs varat izvēlēties, un salīdzināt, lai labāk saskaņotu ar savām interesēm un iesniegtu kompetenci.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par CentOS Linux

Atrodiet atbildes uz visatbilstošākajiem jautājumiem, lai varētu uzreiz pieņemt lēmumus.

What is CentOS?

CentOS is a free and open-source Linux distribution that provides a stable, secure, and reliable platform for enterprise environments. It's based on the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Is CentOS compatible with RHEL?

Yes, CentOS is fully compatible with RHEL. In fact, CentOS was created as a downstream fork of RHEL, so it shares the same kernel and many of the same packages.

Can I use CentOS for personal use?

Absolutely! While CentOS is often used in enterprise environments, it's also a great choice for personal use. Its stability and security make it an ideal platform for home computers or servers.

How do I get support for CentOS?

CentOS has a large community of users and developers who provide support through online forums, mailing lists, and IRC channels. You can also purchase commercial support from vendors like Red Hat.

Is CentOS up-to-date with the latest security patches?

Yes, CentOS receives regular updates to ensure that it remains secure and stable. The CentOS team works closely with the RHEL team to ensure that CentOS stays current with the latest security patches.

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