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Kohezitījas datu pārvaldības platforma vienotu, skalāru arhitektūru izmantošanai simplificē aizsaejumu, atjaunošanas un glabāšanos vienā telpā ar pieejamajiem, noliktuvu un malējojo apstrādes ietvaros.


Pārskati un vērtējumi Cohesity

Mēs esam apkopojuši visus datus, tāpēc jums tas nav jādara, pieņemot lēmumus vienkāršus un ietaupot laiku un naudu.

4.5 (98)





Naudas vērtība


Lietošanas ērtums




Atrodiet kritiskas funkcijas, pieņemot lēmumus

Atrodiet konkrētu funkciju, kurai platformai vajadzētu būt lieliskai, lai jūsu organizācijai būtu lieliska.

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Датова Визуализация?

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Връщане на инвестицията (Реален Източник на доход)?

Cohesity Cenu plāni

Uzziniet, kurš cenu plāns jums ir vispiemērotākais.

Cohesity Helix Data Platform - Essentials

Essentials is a great fit for small to medium-sized environments, where data is growing at a steady pace. This subscription includes support and software licenses.


Cohesity Helix Data Platform - Standard

Standard provides the perfect balance of features, performance, and value for most businesses. This subscription includes support and software licenses.


Cohesity Helix Data Platform - Advanced

Advanced is designed for the most demanding workloads and applications that require enterprise-grade features. This subscription includes support and software licenses.


Cohesity Helix Data Platform - Enterprise

Enterprise offers all the advanced features of our Standard tier, plus additional support for cloud-based data sources and enhanced security. This subscription includes support and software licenses.


Cohesity Produktu atsauksmes

Skatiet platformu no jaunākā iekšpusē Cohesity Video.

Ko par pārbaudītajiem pārskatiem saka par

Lauka ekspertu ieskats par Cohesity no pirmās puses.

K. Evans

I've experienced significant improvements in backup and data management with Cohesity, boasting effortless scalability, intuitive interface, and robust security features, making it an indispensable tool for streamlined IT operations.

H. Anderson

I've had an exceptional experience with Cohesity's data management platform. The intuitive interface and robust features have streamlined our backup and recovery processes, allowing us to focus on core business operations with increased efficiency and confidence.

P. Parker

"I'm thoroughly impressed with Cohesity's simplicity and scalability. The data management platform seamlessly integrated into our existing infrastructure, providing effortless backup and recovery for our servers. Their user-friendly interface made it a breeze to manage, giving us peace of ...

H. Harris

I've had an exceptional experience with Cohesity's data management software. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with my existing infrastructure have made backup and recovery a breeze. The platform's scalability and flexibility have also allowed me to efficiently manage my...

Cohesity ir vispiemērotākais šīm labākajām nozarēm


Програмни системи за управление на имота, гостоприимно обслужване и брояне на заетост. Увелишени решения за управлението на резервации, управлението на съоръженията и подобряване на гостоприемството. Ключови инструменти за сместените и приятни гости услуги.


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.


Програмни продукти за аерокосмическа индустрия за дизайн, управление на проекти и контрол на качество. Лидращи решения за разработване на системите на самолетите, управление на производствения процес и гарантиране на изисквани стандарти за безопасност. Вярани от производителите да подпомагат точно и надеждни аерокосмични инженерства.

Alternatīvas Cohesity jūs varētu apsvērt un salīdzināt

Šīs ir alternatīvas, no kurām jūs varat izvēlēties, un salīdzināt, lai labāk saskaņotu ar savām interesēm un iesniegtu kompetenci.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par Cohesity

Atrodiet atbildes uz visatbilstošākajiem jautājumiem, lai varētu uzreiz pieņemt lēmumus.

What is Cohesity?

Cohesity is a data management platform that provides a unified view of all data across the enterprise, allowing for faster backup and recovery, reduced storage costs, and improved security.

How does Cohesity work with existing infrastructure?

Cohesity integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, without disrupting current workflows or requiring significant changes to infrastructure.

What kind of data can be protected with Cohesity?

Cohesity supports protection for a wide range of data types, including virtual machines, physical servers, containers, file systems, and cloud workloads.

Is Cohesity suitable for large enterprises?

Yes, Cohesity is designed to handle the data management needs of large enterprises with complex infrastructures. It scales to meet the needs of global organizations with thousands of users.

How does Cohesity improve security?

Cohesity provides advanced security features, including data encryption, access controls, and immutable storage, to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or cyber threats.

Can Cohesity be used for cloud-based workloads?

Yes, Cohesity supports protection of cloud-based workloads in public clouds such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as private clouds and hybrid environments.

What kind of support does Cohesity offer?

Cohesity provides comprehensive support services, including online resources, phone support, and on-site assistance, to ensure customers get the help they need to successfully deploy and manage their data management platform.

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