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"iTecilitācijas programma atklāj plagijušanu, noskaidrotot oriģinality tikai akademisko darbu un izdevumu vidū."


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Ko par pārbaudītajiem pārskatiem saka par

Lauka ekspertu ieskats par iThenticate no pirmās puses.

C. Mitchell

I've thoroughly enjoyed using iThenticate for plagiarism detection and academic integrity assurance - its seamless integration with various citation styles and detailed reports have saved me significant time and ensured the highest standards of originality in my research.

T. Wilson

I've had an excellent experience with iThenticate, utilizing its cutting-edge plagiarism detection and originality checking capabilities has streamlined my content creation process, allowing me to focus on quality over quantity while ensuring academic integrity and credibility.

D. Lewis

I've been using iThenticate for plagiarism detection and it's been a game-changer. The ease of use is impressive, and the accuracy has saved me from embarrassing errors. The comprehensive reports provide actionable insights, allowing me to refine my content and build trust with readers. Hi...

S. Parker

I've found iTethenticate to be an incredibly effective tool for detecting plagiarism and ensuring academic integrity. The interface is user-friendly and the reporting features are thorough. The software has saved me a significant amount of time by automating the process of identifying pote...

D. Baker

I was thoroughly disappointed with iThenticate's inaccurate plagiarism detection and cumbersome interface. The tool missed obvious instances of copied content and took far too long to process my submissions, wasting valuable time and resources.

Alternatīvas iThenticate jūs varētu apsvērt un salīdzināt

Šīs ir alternatīvas, no kurām jūs varat izvēlēties, un salīdzināt, lai labāk saskaņotu ar savām interesēm un iesniegtu kompetenci.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par iThenticate

Atrodiet atbildes uz visatbilstošākajiem jautājumiem, lai varētu uzreiz pieņemt lēmumus.

What is iThenticate?

iThenticate is a plagiarism detection and prevention tool used to identify potential instances of plagiarism in written work.

How does iThenticate work?

iThenticate uses advanced algorithms and databases to compare the text of a document against a vast collection of online content, academic papers, and other sources.

What types of files can be uploaded to iThenticate?

iThenticate supports the upload of various file formats, including Word documents (.docx), PDFs, and text files (.txt).

Can iThenticate detect plagiarism in other languages?

Yes, iThenticate supports detection of plagiarism in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and more.

What are the benefits of using iThenticate?

Using iThenticate can help institutions and individuals prevent plagiarism, ensure academic integrity, and promote originality in written work.

Is iThenticate a tool for grading or assessment?

No, iThenticate is not a tool for grading or assessment. Its primary purpose is to detect potential instances of plagiarism and provide suggestions for improvement.

How can I get started with iThenticate?

To get started with iThenticate, create an account on the iThenticate website, upload a document, and follow the prompts to run a plagiarism check.

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