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Keepnet Labs

Sarakstveida izstrādītais drobuma sistēmas platforms, kas reāllaika atklāj un novērš kompyutervīrusu draudus, sniedzot organizācijām bezvainīgu draudu izpratni un iespēju uzreakciju.


Pārskati un vērtējumi Keepnet Labs

Mēs esam apkopojuši visus datus, tāpēc jums tas nav jādara, pieņemot lēmumus vienkāršus un ietaupot laiku un naudu.

4.9 (11)





Naudas vērtība


Lietošanas ērtums




Atrodiet kritiskas funkcijas, pieņemot lēmumus

Atrodiet konkrētu funkciju, kurai platformai vajadzētu būt lieliskai, lai jūsu organizācijai būtu lieliska.

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Ģešu Sekoņu Pārbaude?

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Reāllaika dati?

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Pārbaudes panelis?

Vai šis produkts var mums palīdzēt Rīkošana/Kārtējdarbība?

Keepnet Labs Cenu plāni

Uzziniet, kurš cenu plāns jums ir vispiemērotākais.


Basic features, limited to 100 emails and 3 days of history.


Essential features for small businesses. Includes 250 emails and 14 days of history.



Advanced features for growing businesses. Includes 500 emails and 30 days of history.



Comprehensive features for large enterprises. Includes unlimited emails and 365 days of history.


Keepnet Labs Produktu atsauksmes

Skatiet platformu no jaunākā iekšpusē Keepnet Labs Video.

Ko par pārbaudītajiem pārskatiem saka par
Keepnet Labs

Lauka ekspertu ieskats par Keepnet Labs no pirmās puses.

H. Smith

I've been impressed with Keepnet Labs' cybersecurity solutions - their AI-powered threat detection and incident response tools have significantly enhanced our online safety, offering real-time monitoring and swift action when needed.

R. Parker

I was thoroughly unimpressed with Keepnet's password management tool, which consistently crashed on me and failed to recognize previously stored passwords, forcing unnecessary re-entries and frustrating my workflow.

T. Parker

I've been impressed with Keepnet Labs' cybersecurity solution. The AI-powered threat detection and user-friendly interface have given me peace of mind, allowing me to focus on my work without worrying about online threats. Highly effective and efficient!

P. Collins

I was thoroughly disappointed with Keepnet Labs' software. The interface was clunky and difficult to navigate, leading to frustrating experiences when trying to use the features I needed most. The promised security benefits were not adequately demonstrated or effective in practice, leaving...

B. Anderson

I was thoroughly unimpressed with Keepnet Labs' service. The AI-powered threat detection seemed more like a novelty than a reliable security solution, and the alerts were often irrelevant or misleading. The user interface was clunky and confusing to navigate, making it difficult to access ...

Alternatīvas Keepnet Labs jūs varētu apsvērt un salīdzināt

Šīs ir alternatīvas, no kurām jūs varat izvēlēties, un salīdzināt, lai labāk saskaņotu ar savām interesēm un iesniegtu kompetenci.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par Keepnet Labs

Atrodiet atbildes uz visatbilstošākajiem jautājumiem, lai varētu uzreiz pieņemt lēmumus.

What is Keepnet Labs?

Keepnet Labs is a cybersecurity company that provides AI-powered threat detection and response solutions.

What products does Keepnet Labs offer?

Keepnet Labs offers several software products, including threat detection and response tools, incident response platforms, and security awareness training modules.

How does Keepnet Labs' AI-powered threat detection work?

Keepnet Labs' AI-powered threat detection uses machine learning algorithms to analyze network traffic and identify potential threats in real-time.

What kind of security awareness training modules does Keepnet Labs offer?

Keepnet Labs offers interactive security awareness training modules that educate users on various cybersecurity topics, such as phishing, ransomware, and social engineering attacks.

Is Keepnet Labs' software compatible with my existing security infrastructure?

Yes, Keepnet Labs' software is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing security infrastructure, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and security information and event management (SIEM) systems.

How can I get started with Keepnet Labs' products?

To get started with Keepnet Labs' products, simply contact our sales team to schedule a demo or trial of our software.

What kind of support does Keepnet Labs offer?

Keepnet Labs offers 24/7 technical support and dedicated account management to ensure that you have the help you need when you need it.

Is Keepnet Labs' software compliant with industry regulations?

Yes, Keepnet Labs' software is designed to meet or exceed various industry regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

How does Keepnet Labs collect and use user data?

Keepnet Labs collects and uses user data solely for the purpose of providing our software products and services. We respect users' privacy rights and do not share data with third parties without explicit consent.

What is the cost of Keepnet Labs' software?

The cost of Keepnet Labs' software varies depending on the product and deployment scenario. Contact our sales team to discuss pricing options tailored to your specific needs.

Sveiki, kas jums vajadzīgs?

Mums ir nepieciešams uzticams projektu vadība Programmatūra 50 par mazāk nekā 10 USD par vienu lietotāju ...

Revīzijas platforma ar integrētu mācīšanos un krājumu vadība...

Man vajag zobārstniecības klīnika Programmatūra, ar kuru rīkoties, rezervācijas un maksājumi ...

Iesakiet man viegli un ātri ieviest tērzēšanas robots Par mūsu atbalstu ...

Mūsu uzlabotais algoritms atradīs labāko risinājumu jūsu vajadzībām un filtrēs visas muļķības un mārketinga buzz