Mejorar las operaciones de retail y elevar la satisfacción del cliente con las herramientas de gestión poderosas de Heartland Retail para el éxito empresarial.
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Znajdź konkretną funkcję, którą platforma powinna mieć, aby idealnie pasowała do Twojej organizacji.
Descubre qué plan de precios es el más adecuado para ti.
$49/month (billed annually) or $59/month (billed monthly)
$149/month (billed annually) or $179/month (billed monthly)
$249/month (billed annually) or $299/month (billed monthly)
Vea la plataforma desde los últimos videos de Heartland Retail.
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Znajdź odpowiedzi na najbardziej istotne pytania, aby móc podejmować decyzje od razu.
Heartland Retail is a cloud-based retail management software designed to help retailers manage their daily operations, including inventory, pricing, and customer relationships.
Yes, Heartland Retail is built on a scalable platform that can support retailers of all sizes, from small boutique stores to large retail chains with multiple locations.
Yes, Heartland Retail offers seamless integration with a wide range of third-party systems, including ERP, CRM, and POS solutions.
Yes, Heartland Retail provides real-time inventory visibility across all locations, enabling retailers to make informed decisions about stock levels and replenishment.
Yes, Heartland Retail offers a mobile app that allows users to access key features and functions on-the-go, including inventory management and sales reporting.
Yes, Heartland Retail provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling retailers to gain insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and operational performance.
Yes, Heartland Retail is built on a secure platform that meets or exceeds all major retail industry standards for security and compliance.
Yes, Heartland Retail offers dedicated customer support via phone, email, and online chat, ensuring retailers receive the help they need to maximize their software investment.
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