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デザインプロセスを革命させるSketch:強力な、直感的なUI/UXツール、ベクター グラフィックスと設計システム用。


Sketch のレビューと評価

Zebraliśmy wszystkie dane, abyś Ty nie musiał tego robić, ułatwiając podejmowanie decyzji i oszczędzając Ci czas i pieniądze.

4.5 (2,073)











Znajdź funkcje krytyczne dla podejmowania decyzji

Znajdź konkretną funkcję, którą platforma powinna mieć, aby idealnie pasowała do Twojej organizacji.

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この製品は Arrastrar y Soltar に役立ちますか?

Sketch 料金プラン


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Perfect for freelancers and small teams.



Ideal for growing teams and businesses.



Designed for large organizations and enterprises.


Sketch に関する期待される検証済みレビューの内容

Sketch に関する現場の専門家の直接の洞察。

P. Harris

I was disappointed with Sketch's lack of intuitive navigation and cluttered interface, which made it difficult to find and organize my design elements despite its touted collaboration features.

C. White

I've found Sketch to be an incredibly intuitive and powerful design tool that streamlined my workflow and allowed me to focus on creativity rather than technicalities, delivering exceptional results with ease.

T. Garcia

I've had the pleasure of using Sketch and I must say it's been a game-changer for my design workflow. The intuitive interface and seamless collaboration features have streamlined my process, allowing me to focus on creating high-quality designs rather than wrestling with technical issues. ...

A. Anderson

I'm thoroughly impressed with Sketch. As a designer, I was blown away by its user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. The intuitive toolbar and customizable layout made it a breeze to create and edit my designs. I loved how easily I could duplicate artboards and experiment with dif...

Sketch の代替案を検討して比較することができます

Są to alternatywy, spośród których możesz wybierać i porównywać, aby najlepiej odpowiadały Twoim zainteresowaniom i obszarowi wiedzy specjalistycznej.

Sketch に関するよくある質問

Znajdź odpowiedzi na najbardziej istotne pytania, aby móc podejmować decyzje od razu.

What is Sketch?

Sketch is a digital design tool that allows users to create user interface (UI) and visual designs for apps, websites, and other platforms.

Is Sketch free?

No, Sketch is not free. It offers a 30-day free trial, after which you need to purchase a license to continue using the software.

What are the system requirements for running Sketch?

Sketch requires macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later, with at least 4 GB of RAM and a 64-bit processor.

Can I use Sketch to design for web and mobile devices?

Yes, Sketch allows you to create designs that are responsive to different screen sizes and resolutions, making it suitable for designing UI for both web and mobile apps.

Is there a learning curve for using Sketch?

While Sketch has a unique interface, its design principles are similar to other graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator. Users familiar with design software can pick up Sketch relatively quickly, but beginners may need some time to get comfortable with the tool.

Cześć, czego potrzebujesz?

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