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Съвземете маркетинга си с ActiveCampaign, платформа за всички нужди, включваща имейл-маркетинг, автоматизация, CRM и управление на продажбите, помагащо бизнесите да процъфтяват и да ги правят по-здрав.

Отзиви и оценки на ActiveCampaign

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4.4 (17,198)





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Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Извеждане/Аналитика?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Управление на Документите?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Данни за Импорт/Изкспорт?

Този продукт може ли да ни помогне с Сътруднически инструменти?

ActiveCampaign Ценови планове

Разберете кой ценови план е най-подходящ за вас.


$9/month (billed annually) or $15/month (billed monthly). Perfect for small businesses, personal websites and solo entrepreneurs.



$49/month (billed annually) or $65/month (billed monthly). Ideal for growing businesses, increasing team size and more advanced features.



$129/month (billed annually) or $149/month (billed monthly). Perfect for large businesses, enterprise companies and very advanced features.


ActiveCampaign отзиви за продукти

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Прозрения от полеви експерти за ActiveCampaign от първа ръка.

E. Moore

I've been blown away by ActiveCampaign's user-friendly interface and robust automation features, effortlessly streamlining my marketing workflows and boosting engagement rates with precision targeting and intelligent follow-up campaigns. Highly recommended for businesses of all sizes!

R. Wright

I've been using ActiveCampaign for months and it's been a game-changer for my email marketing efforts. The user-friendly interface, robust automation features, and excellent customer support have taken my campaigns to the next level. Highly recommended!

R. Parker

"I've been using ActiveCampaign for my marketing campaigns and I'm thoroughly impressed with its automation capabilities, seamless integration options, and user-friendly interface. It's simplified my workflows and increased engagement with customers - highly recommend it!"

D. King

I've been using ActiveCampaign for my online marketing and I'm thoroughly impressed with its features. The drag-and-drop editor made creating email campaigns a breeze, while the automation tool streamlined our customer journey. The analytics were spot on, helping us optimize our strategy. ...

R. Wright

I've been thoroughly impressed with ActiveCampaign's user-friendly interface and robust automation capabilities - it's streamlined my marketing efforts, increased engagement, and provided actionable insights to inform data-driven decisions. A game-changer for businesses of all sizes!

G. Williams

I've been using ActiveCampaign for months and it's greatly simplified my email marketing efforts. The automation features are robust and easy to use, allowing me to create complex workflows with minimal setup time. The segmentation tools have also allowed me to target specific groups of co...

C. Evans

I've been using ActiveCampaign for my marketing campaigns and I'm thoroughly impressed. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up automations and personalize emails. The reporting features provide valuable insights into customer behavior. Their customer support team is also respo...

ActiveCampaign е най-подходящ за тези водещи индустрии


Програмни системи за управление на имота, гостоприимно обслужване и брояне на заетост. Увелишени решения за управлението на резервации, управлението на съоръженията и подобряване на гостоприемството. Ключови инструменти за сместените и приятни гости услуги.


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.


Софтуер за управление на кампании, анализиране на аудиторията и сътрудничество в област на творческите умения. Напредни решения за планиране на кампании, следене на ефективността и изготвяне на съдържание. Основни инструменти за въздействащи и успешни рекламни усилия.

Алтернативи на ActiveCampaign, които може да разгледате и сравните

Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.

Често задавани въпроси за ActiveCampaign

Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.

What is ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps businesses of all sizes automate and personalize their customer interactions across email, chat, text, and more.

How do I create a new campaign in ActiveCampaign?

To create a new campaign, log in to your account, navigate to the 'Campaigns' tab, click on '+New Campaign', select the type of campaign you want to create (e.g. email, automation, etc.), and follow the prompts to set it up.

What is an Automation in ActiveCampaign?

An Automation is a workflow that allows you to automatically send targeted messages to your contacts based on their behavior, location, or other criteria. Automations can be used to nurture leads, re-engage dormant customers, and more.

How do I add a contact to ActiveCampaign?

You can add a contact to ActiveCampaign by importing them from a CSV file, manually adding them through the 'Contacts' tab, or by using a third-party integration (e.g. CRM).

What is the difference between a List and an Automation in ActiveCampaign?

A List is a static group of contacts that can be used for email sending, segmentation, and other purposes. An Automation, on the other hand, is a dynamic workflow that uses criteria-based rules to trigger actions and interactions with your contacts.

Bună, de ce ai nevoie?

Avem nevoie de un software de management de proiect de încredere pentru 50 pentru mai puțin de 10 USD per utilizator...

Platformă de audit cu învățare integrată și gestionarea inventarului...

Am nevoie de un software de clinica stomatologică pentru a gestiona rezervările și plățile...

Recomandă-mi un chatbot ușor și rapid de implementat pentru asistența noastră...

Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing