Deschide documentele digitale cu Adobe Acrobat DC. Editează, semnează și împărtășește fișierele PDF cu ușurință. Soluția de referință a industriei pentru utilizarea personală și profesională.
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Get access to all features of Adobe Acrobat DC.
Essential PDF editing, creating, and signing tools.
View, annotate, and sign PDFs without any cost.
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Adobe Acrobat DC is a popular PDF editor and creator that allows users to create, edit, and manage PDF documents.
The minimum system requirements for installing Adobe Acrobat DC include Windows 10 (64-bit) or macOS High Sierra (or later), with a minimum of 4 GB RAM and a 2.33 GHz processor.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat DC allows users to convert a wide range of file formats, including Microsoft Office files, images, and web pages, into PDFs.
To edit text in a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat DC, select the 'Edit' tool from the top menu bar and click on the text you want to modify. You can then type over the existing text or add new text as needed.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat DC allows users to add multimedia elements like audio and video files to their PDF documents, making them more engaging and interactive.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat DC is fully integrated with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, allowing users to easily import and edit files from these programs.
To password-protect a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat DC, select the 'Tools' menu and choose 'Protect' > 'Encrypt with Password'. You can then set a password for the document as well as restrict permissions.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat DC includes an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature that allows users to convert scanned PDFs into editable text documents, making it easier to edit and modify the content.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat DC has a companion app called Adobe Acrobat Reader Mobile, which allows users to view, annotate, and share PDFs on-the-go across iOS and Android devices.
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