클라우드 플레어를 사용하여 웹사이트 성능과 보안을 개선하세요. 콘텐츠 전송 속도 향상, 위협 방지, 온라인 존재감 강화 등 부드러운 경험을 제공할 수 있습니다.
Am adunat toate datele pentru ca tu să nu fii nevoit, luând decizii simple și economisind timp și bani.
Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.
Ta reda på vilken prisplan som passar dig bäst.
All Cloudflare features for websites and applications.
Cloudflare Pro adds security, performance, and reliability features to your website or application. Includes access to all of our core security and performance tools.
Protect up to 500 websites with Cloudflare Business. Our team will work with you to customize the platform to meet your business needs.
Secure and optimize your enterprise's online presence with our most advanced security, performance, and reliability features.
Se plattformen från de senaste Cloudflare-videorna.
Insikter från fältexperter om Cloudflare från första hand.
Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.
Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.
Cloudflare is a cloud-based service that provides a range of security, performance, and content delivery services to protect websites from online threats and improve user experience.
Cloudflare improves website performance by caching frequently requested resources, compressing files, and optimizing images. This reduces the time it takes for a webpage to load, resulting in faster page loads and improved user engagement.
Cloudflare offers a range of security features, including automatic SSL encryption, malware protection, and DDoS mitigation. These features help protect websites from common online threats and ensure that data transmitted between the website and user is secure.
Yes, your data is safe with Cloudflare. Cloudflare uses industry-standard security protocols to encrypt and protect data in transit and at rest. Additionally, Cloudflare follows strict privacy policies and guidelines to ensure that user data is not shared or used without consent.
To get started with Cloudflare, simply sign up for a free account on the Cloudflare website. From there, you can install the Cloudflare software on your website and start taking advantage of its security and performance features.
Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing