Samenvatting van documenten collaboreren met Docsketch' veilige online werkruimte, met in realtime commentaar, elektronische handtekeningen en taken toe te wijzen voor teams om samen efficiënt te werken.
Am adunat toate datele pentru ca tu să nu fii nevoit, luând decizii simple și economisind timp și bani.
Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.
$9.99/month - Unlimited documents, 3 collaborators
$19.99/month - Unlimited documents, 50 collaborators, advanced features
$49.99/month - Unlimited documents, unlimited collaborators, custom branding, advanced security
ข้อมูลเชิงลึกจากผู้เชี่ยวชาญในสาขาเกี่ยวกับ Docsketch จากแหล่งข้อมูลโดยตรง
Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.
Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.
Docsketch is a digital signature and document management platform that allows users to send, sign, and manage documents electronically.
You can invite others to sign your document by creating a new signature request in Docsketch, adding the recipient's email address, and sending them an invitation to e-sign the document.
Yes, Docsketch takes the security of your data seriously. Our platform uses industry-standard SSL encryption to protect all documents and information transmitted through our service.
Yes, Docsketch allows you to customize the signing flow by adding or removing signature fields, setting up automatic reminders, and choosing from various document templates.
Yes, Docsketch integrates with popular productivity tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft Office 365 to streamline your workflow and reduce manual data entry.
Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing