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Löydä sosiaalinen kaupankäynti alusta, jolla käyttäjät voivat sijoittaa helposti kriptokertoimiin, raaka-aineisiin ja osakkeisiin, hyötymällä käyttäjien luomista sijoitussuunnitelmaa ja ammattilaisten näkemystä.

Обзоры и рейтинги eToro

Am adunat toate datele pentru ca tu să nu fii nevoit, luând decizii simple și economisind timp și bani.

4.1 (25,537)





Соотношение цены и качества


Ease of Use




Использование по размеру бизнеса


Găsiți funcții esențiale pentru luarea deciziilor

Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.

Questo prodotto può aiutarci con Управление потоком работы.?

Questo prodotto può aiutarci con Реальное время данных?

Questo prodotto può aiutarci con Доходы и Балансные счета?

Questo prodotto può aiutarci con Мобильный доступ?

eToro Тарифные планы

Узнайте, какой тарифный план вам подходит лучше всего.


Opening a $200-$5,000 account.


Opening a $5,001-$20,000 account.



Opening a $20,001-$100,000 account.


Обзоры продуктов eToro

Посмотрите на платформу в последних видео eToro.

Что говорят проверенные отзывы от ожидающих о

Мнения отраслевых экспертов о eToro из первых рук.

T. Jackson

I'm extremely disappointed with eToro's user interface and customer support. The platform crashed multiple times while I was trading, resulting in significant losses. Their lack of transparency regarding fees and commissions is also a major turn-off.

D. Thompson

I've been using eToro for months and it's been an absolute game-changer, their user-friendly interface makes trading cryptocurrencies and CFDs a breeze, excellent platform with robust features and great customer support.

S. Moore

I'm thoroughly impressed with eToro's user-friendly interface and vast educational resources. The trading platform is seamless, allowing me to effortlessly execute trades across various asset classes. Their CopyTrader feature has been a game-changer, enabling me to learn from successful tr...

L. Edwards

I've had an exceptional experience with the eToro platform. The user interface is incredibly intuitive and easy to navigate, even for a beginner like myself. I was able to set up a demo account in minutes and start exploring the various features and tools available. The trading conditions ...

C. Parker

I've been using eToro for several months now and I must say it's an incredibly user-friendly platform. As a beginner in online trading, I was a bit intimidated at first, but the intuitive interface and educational resources made it easy to navigate. The copy-trading feature is also genius ...

eToro лучше всего подходит для этих ведущих отраслей


Программное обеспечение отрасли гостеприимства для управления имуществом, услуг по обслуживанию гостей и операций бронирования. Развитые решения для управления бронированием, управлением объектами и улучшению опыта гостей. Основные инструменты для обеспечения гладкого и приветливого предоставления услуг гостеприимства.


Программное обеспечение административной отрасли для управления задачами, обработки документов и коммуникации. Расширенные решения для организации потоков работы, мониторинга прогресса и улучшения эффективности. Ключевые инструменты для гладкого и эффективного административного функционирования.


Программное обеспечение для промышленности рекламного бизнеса по управлению кампаниями, аналитики аудитории и сотрудничеству с создателями контента. Продвинутое решение для планирования кампаний, отслеживания результатов и дизайна контента. Эссенциальные инструменты для заметного и успешного рекламных усилий.

Альтернативы eToro, которые вы можете рассмотреть и сравнить

Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.

Часто задаваемые вопросы о eToro

Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.

What is eToro?

eToro is a social trading and investment platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and other financial instruments.

Is eToro a brokerage firm?

Yes, eToro is a registered brokerage firm in several countries, including the United States (with FinCEN registration) and Australia (with ASIC regulation).

Can I trade cryptocurrencies on eToro?

Yes, eToro offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies for trading, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others.

Is my money safe with eToro?

eToro holds clients' funds in segregated accounts with reputable banks, protecting them from company's own financial issues. Additionally, eToro is a member of the Financial Commission, which provides an additional layer of protection.

Can I use eToro on my mobile?

Yes, eToro has a fully-functional mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to trade on-the-go.

What is the minimum deposit required to start trading on eToro?

The minimum deposit required to start trading on eToro varies depending on the country you are from. In some countries, it's as low as $200, while in others, it may be higher.

Can I copy trades of other successful traders on eToro?

Yes, eToro's CopyTrader feature allows users to automatically copy the trades of top-performing traders, making social trading easy and accessible.

Is there a demo account available on eToro?

Yes, eToro offers a free demo account with virtual funds, allowing new users to practice trading and get familiar with the platform without risking real money.

What types of support does eToro offer its clients?

eToro provides 24/5 multilingual customer support via phone, email, and live chat, as well as a comprehensive knowledge base and FAQs section on their website.

Bună, de ce ai nevoie?

Avem nevoie de un software de management de proiect de încredere pentru 50 pentru mai puțin de 10 USD per utilizator...

Platformă de audit cu învățare integrată și gestionarea inventarului...

Am nevoie de un software de clinica stomatologică pentru a gestiona rezervările și plățile...

Recomandă-mi un chatbot ușor și rapid de implementat pentru asistența noastră...

Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing