Descoperă creativitatea cu Movavi Video Editor Plus - un program de editare video puternic pentru Windows & Mac, care oferă funcții avansate și o interfață prietenoasă.
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Basic video editing features
All free plan features + advanced editing tools and effects
All standard plan features + business branding, watermark removal, and advanced export options
All business plan features + additional video and audio editing tools, chroma key, and green screen functionality
Vedeți platforma din cele mai recente videoclipuri Movavi Video Editor Plus.
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Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.
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Movavi Video Editor Plus is a powerful video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos with ease.
The minimum system requirements for Movavi Video Editor Plus include Windows 10, macOS High Sierra or later, and a dedicated graphics card.
Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus supports importing video files from most smartphones, including iPhone and Android devices.
To add music to your video project in Movavi Video Editor Plus, simply click on the 'Audio' tab in the timeline, select a song from your library or download one from online, and adjust the volume as needed.
Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus allows users to export their video projects in 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels) for stunning clarity and detail.
To apply color correction to your footage with Movavi Video Editor Plus, select the 'Color Correction' tool in the 'Effects' tab, adjust the settings as needed, and preview the results.
Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus allows users to create stunning video slideshows from their favorite photos and add music, transitions, and other effects for a professional finish.
Yes, Movavi Video Editor Plus is fully compatible with Windows 11 and supports all its features.
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