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Samordning av din leveringsprosessen med Shippos intuitiv plattform, som automatiserer oppgaver og tilbyr realtidssporing, kan spare tid og redusere kostnader for e-handelsvirksomheter.

Reviews and Ratings of Shippo

Am adunat toate datele pentru ca tu să nu fii nevoit, luând decizii simple și economisind timp și bani.

4.6 (1,277)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




Găsiți funcții esențiale pentru luarea deciziilor

Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.

Este produto pode ajudar-nos com サードパーティー統合?

Este produto pode ajudar-nos com チョーキング&請求書?

Este produto pode ajudar-nos com レポート/分析?

Este produto pode ajudar-nos com リアルタイム更新?

Shippo Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


Up to 100 shipments per month



Up to 1,000 shipments per month



Up to 10,000 shipments per month


Shippo Product Reviews

See the platform from within the latest Shippo videos.

What verified reviews from expects say about

Insights from field experts about Shippo from first hand.

P. Edwards

I've had a fantastic experience with Shippo. Their seamless integration and intuitive interface made it easy to manage shipments and track packages. Their customer support was also top-notch, resolving issues promptly. Highly recommended for e-commerce businesses!

R. Jackson

I've been using Shippo for my e-commerce business and it's been a game-changer. Their platform is incredibly user-friendly, making it easy to manage shipping labels, track packages, and streamline logistics. The integration with our online store was seamless and the customer support team h...

R. Parker

I was thoroughly disappointed with my experience using Shippo. Despite its promise of streamlined shipping management, I found it to be clunky and difficult to navigate. The user interface seemed outdated and lacking in features that would make a significant difference in my workflow. Inte...

D. Martinez

I've had the chance to use Shippo's shipping software and I'm thoroughly impressed. The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it a breeze to set up and manage shipments. The integration with various carriers was seamless, saving me time and effort. I loved how I could easily track ...

Alternatives to Shippo you might consider and compare

Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.

Frequently asked questions about Shippo

Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.

What is Shippo?

Shippo is a shipping API that helps businesses of all sizes ship faster, cheaper, and more efficiently.

How does Shippo work?

Shippo integrates with your online store or e-commerce platform to automate the shipping process, providing real-time rates and tracking information for all major carriers.

Is Shippo compatible with my e-commerce platform?

Yes, Shippo supports integration with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and more. Check our compatibility list to see if we support your platform!

Can I get discounts on shipping rates with Shippo?

Yes, as a Shippo customer, you'll have access to discounted rates from major carriers, including USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. We also offer negotiated rates for high-volume shippers.

How does Shippo handle shipping label generation?

Shippo generates shipping labels on your behalf, using our API or web app. We support a wide range of label formats and can even generate labels in bulk.

Can I use Shippo for international shipping?

Yes! Shippo supports international shipping to over 200 countries worldwide. We'll help you navigate customs, duties, and taxes, so you can ship globally with confidence.

Is my data secure with Shippo?

Absolutely. Shippo uses industry-standard encryption (SSL/TLS) to protect your sensitive information, including credit card numbers and shipping addresses.

How do I get started with Shippo?

Getting started is easy! Sign up for a free trial account on our website, or reach out to our sales team to discuss your specific needs. We'll guide you through the setup process and help you start shipping faster in no time!

Bună, de ce ai nevoie?

Avem nevoie de un software de management de proiect de încredere pentru 50 pentru mai puțin de 10 USD per utilizator...

Platformă de audit cu învățare integrată și gestionarea inventarului...

Am nevoie de un software de clinica stomatologică pentru a gestiona rezervările și plățile...

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Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing